Volcan Vs Heros Part 2

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Blyke: Can this car go faster!

Batman looks back at him

Batman: No

Isen: It will be ok lets just get back

Batman: Is this it?

He points at Wellston High

Blyke: Yes! I will get Remi

Isen: Ill call Elaine

Batman: Sounds good

The group got Elaine and went to Remi's dorm, Except Batman who is watching Volcan


Ironman: A very difficult fight

Blyke: Please just heal her!

Elaine: Fine, But I want an explanation

Ironman: Have you looked at the group chat?

Elaine: I have had it muted, John has been weird

Ironman: John? He hasn't been on in awhile

Elaine: Have you seen the chat?

While everyone here has been busy heres whats been going on in the chat

John: Finally got a new phone

Arlo: Oh good


Arlo: Noted

Sera: Hey I'm back too

Sera: Don't have any powers tho

Lelouch: Well that sucks

Arlo: Where the hell have you been?

Lelouch: Mind controlled

Arlo: K

John: No one cares

Lelouch: What happened to you?

John: None of your business

Lelouch: Well im busy so

Arlo: Same

Lelouch and Arlo are offline

Sera: That was brutal

John: Arlo fucking backstabbed me, No one here even knows lelouch

Sera: Ig

Joker: hehehehehehhehehehehehhehehehehehee

John: The fuck do you want?

Sera: Didn't Batman say he is crazy

Joker: So is Bats, So are....you john!

John: What the fuck do you want!

Joker: You have been betrayed and beaten yes?

John: What about it!

Joker: Let me guess

Joker: Arlo befriended you, Only to break you

John: How the fuck do you know

Joker: Oh my boy, I know when i see it hehe

Joker: All it takes is one bad day to turn the sanest to maddness

Joker: Is he behind her ability loss?

John: No

Joker: Are you sure?

John: What do you mean?

Joker: You mention that you are powerless amongst these oh so might idiots right?

John: I mean yeah?

Joker: The EVERYONE is out to get you

Sera: That's absurd

Joker: My deary, your gonna get it worse

John: How come you seem to understand me so much?

Joker: You and I, We are the same!

Joker: Laughed at and beaten all our lives until we CRACK

Joker: The world fears me, Now make it fear you

Joker: From 1 Joker to another

Everyone's offline

A/N Sorry bout not having daily uploads, Been working on other things, Anyways hope you enjoyed! :>

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