
160 4 17

John: Heyyy

Arlo: Your in class, Work

John: That's boring

Ironman: Good morning people I got somebody to addddddddddd

Arlo: Really? Great more idiots

Ironman had added WarMachine

Ironman changed WarMachine's name to War

Ironman: Welcome Rhode

War: Um hello

Remi: hiiii

Arlo: You should also be working!

Remi: I'm almost done

John: I'm nowhere near done

Arlo: Then work!

War: So these are highschool students with powers

Ironman: I told you that already pay attention

War: I thought you were just drunk

John: Oh I'd like to be drunk!

Arlo: Me too

Remi: Noooooo! Bad both of you!

Sera: Love when my phone is blowing up when I'm trying to beat a level and it caused me to lose

John: Oh no

Sera: And who started typing first?

John: I'll see you guys later!

John is offline

Sera is offline

Batman: I hate Joker

Ironman: Who?

Batman: Arch nemesis

Ironman: Sounds like an anime villain

Blyke: You watch anime!

Isen: You watch anime!

Arlo: Oh Jesus

Arlo is offline

War is offline

Ironman: Who doesn't watch anime!

Blyke: Arlo

Isen: What's your favorite?

Ironman: One Punch Man is pretty good ngl

Isen: Not bad

Blyke: Which is better Dragon Ball or Pokemon

Remi is offline

Ironman: Dragon Ball

Blyke: Yesssssss

Isen: Remi still likes Pokemon more!

Blyke: No she just finds Pikachu cute

Remi is online

Remi: Pika Pika :>

Blyke: 😳

Isen: 😳

Ironman: Oh is this a love triangle I see? 😏

Blyke and Isen are Offline

Remi: Love triangle?

Ironman: Blyke and Isen are into you

Remi: 😳

Remi is offline

Batman: Are you trying to be cupid?

Ironman: Ahh forgot you were here

Batman: Stealth is my specialty

Ironman: You got a girlfriend?

Batman: Sorta

Batman: You?

Ironman: Got a wife

Batman: You?

Batman: A wife?

Batman: 😂

Ironman: I didn't expect to settle down either but I did

Ironman: What's with the laughing emoji, It's not that crazy!

Batman: Uh huh

Batman: I'd like to meet this "wife"

Ironman: Oh I got an idea

Ironman: Choose a ship of these teens, We bet on who gos out with who, Loser adds Girlfriend to chat

Batman: hmm Deal

Ironman: I'ma say Remi and Isen

Batman: Sera John

Ironman: Well this will be interesting

All are offline

A/N Hello there people so with that chapter done I'd ask you all to vote on your favorite UnOrdinary ship as well to see who gets together I hope you enjoyed, Vote by leaving a comment

Remi X Blyke

Seraphina X John

Remi X Isen

Seraphina X Isen

Arlo X Elaine

Arlo X Seraphina

Arlo X John

Blyke X Isen

Remi X John

Isen X Cecile

John X Cecile

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