What makes a Hero

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Ironman: So I just beat some fake terrorists that tried to take the president

War: No he succeeded we just took him back

Ironman: Same thing

Ironman: Anyways what are you guys up too

Remi: Doing things at night

Ironman: With who?

Remi: Isen and Blyke


Batman: Damnit

Blyke: No that's not what she means!!

Batman has added Cat to the chat

Isen: She means we go out as vigilantes!

Arlo: WHAT!?!?

Batman: Shit

Cat: ?

Ironman: Big oof Bats

Batman: Don't copy Joker

Joker: 😁

Arlo: Um back on topic

Arlo: Remi... respectfully...WTF ARE YOU THINKING!

Remi: Damnit Isen

Isen: Your the one who made them think we were doing things!


Blyke: Meh

Remi: I'm trying to avenge my brother!

Ironman: I no something about avenging

Batman: Same

Arlo: Remi you could die!

Blyke: Doesn't even mention us

Isen: Yep

Remi: If it means justice for my brother then so be it

Blyke: Wait what

Isen: Wooooooooo

Arlo: REMI!

Remi: I won't let his death be in vain!

Remi: He died trying to help people he was killed for doing what's right!

Remi: I refuse to let that go!

Arlo: ...

Isen: ...

Blyke: ...

Batman: I understand where your coming from

Batman: My parents died trying to protect me

Batman: Ever since that day the memory has haunted me

Batman: I didn't feel worthy of them even now I sometimes doubt myself

Batman: But when I put on the cowl I feel like I'm doing what I am supposed to

Batman: I can make a difference so no one has to go thru what I did

Batman: I became my parents vengeance, I moved thru the night stoping those who would hurt others, I became Batman for my parents and even tho I know I could die at any moment

Batman: It's the best decision I ever made

Ironman: I use to make weapons for the US military

Ironman: Then while showing off new weapons I was kidnapped by terrorists who used my own weapons

Ironman: Long story short I stoped making weapons that could harm people and became Iron Man to save lives

Ironman: Also lost my parents

Ironman: So I also understand what your doing Remi

Batman: Heroes are formed from tragedy

Remi: Wow I didn't know all of that

Arlo: I get you've been thru tragedy but that doesn't mean you should go throw your life away!

Remi: I'm not throwing it away!

Remi: I'm trying to help people!

Arlo: ...

Ironman: My respect for Remi has risen 10 fold

Batman: Same

Remi: Thanks you guys 😊

Batman: Np

Blyke: I respect her I just don't want her hurt!

Isen: ^

Ironman: Well I have been thinking about something

Remi: ?

Ironman: If I piggy back onto the frequency of this group chat I could in theory create a gateway to your world

Batman: I've done that before so it is possible

Ironman: Yeah then we could help you, maybe teach you a few things!

Remi: That would be great 😃!

Arlo: That sounds like you plan to encourage her

Batman: Not nessacary

Arlo: ?

Batman: Once you dawn the mask you can never truly let it go

Ironman: Facts

Arlo: ...

Arlo is offline

Cat: What just happened???

Batman: Sorry but no one can leave so you get to chat with us

Cat: Ok then...

All are offline

A/N 100 views! I never thought that is reach that many but sweet! Anyways hope you all enjoyed as the story is just getting started I will mention there will be a lot less crack and more story soon ( there will still be crack hehe) so lmk if you like that idea or want the story to stay more light hearted anyways bye bye

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