The Joker Arrives

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??? Has joined the chat

Remi: Hii there

???: Hello my dear I believe you are from another universe?

Remi: I am! So who are you?

???: Oh I forgot my name oh so long ago but I go by a new name

Remi: What is it?

??? Changed their name to Joker


Joker: Hahahahahaha!!

Arlo: You guys love waking people up at night huh?

Joker: Oh it's not that late school boy

Arlo: It's 1am!

Batman: I will kick you! As soon as I figure out how

Ironman: Just got back from a party with friends, Say have y'all ever had shawarma?

Ironman: Who is Joker?

Joker: 👋

Batman: A literal serial killer

Remi: 😲😲

Remi: Who invited him?!?!?

Joker: During my fight with Batss I got his phone and invited my self!

Batman: Why?

Joker: Do I, Clown Prince of Crime, Need a reason to do things

Joker: You act like you don't know me when we have been together for years 😞

Ironman: Your dating a serial killer!

Batman: No he is my arch nemesis

Batman: So literally the opposite

Joker: We are Best Enemies 😍😍

Batman: 🖕

John: So how many people have you killed?

Remi: Is that even appropriate to ask!

Joker: Somewhere between 3 to 10

John: 10 people is a lot!

Joker: What?

John: Oh is the number closer to 3?

Batman: Joker means 3,000 - 10,000

John: da fuckkkkkkkk!

John: Wouldn't he get the death penalty

Joker: I'm crazy so no hehe

Arlo: ...

Rem: ...

John: ...

Batman: Yep

Joker: So what do you guys talk about here?

Ironman: I just made John rich

War: Don't remind me

John: 🤑

Batman: Most of the time is spent by Ironman shipping the teenagers together

Joker: Fun!

Joker: Oh lunch time gtg bye bye Bats 😘

Batman: 🖕🖕🖕

Joker is offline

Ironman: So what are you gonna do with that money John?

John: Probably take Sera somewhere awesome

John: I'm thinking about doing an Amusement park!

Sera: Oh that would be fun!

Ironman: Ah a amusement park, How romantic John 👍

John: 😳

Sera: 😳

Batman: That is a great idea John

Ironman: Aye Remi do you ever hang out one on one with Isen?

Remi: Uh not really he is a good friend just usually Blyke is there to

Ironman: You spend time alone with Blyke?

Blyke: 😳😳😳

Remi: Yep!

Blyke: 0/////0

Sera: Blyke.exe has stoped working

Blyke is offline

Remi: Did I say something wrong?

Ironman: Batman I wanna change the bet!

Batman: No backing out!

Ironman: No just got to Blemi instead of Ismi it is still similar!

Batman: Fine but I want a million dollars for the change

Ironman: Deal!

Arlo: You seriously just give out a million dollars for everything?

Ironman: This bet is worth much more than a million dollars!

Batman: Indeed

Batman: Anyways I need to head to Arkham before everyone is in this group

Batman is offline

Remi: What's the bet about?

Ironman: You'll see

Ironman: If I gave you a thousand dollars what would you spend it on

Remi: Well I'd try to help people

Arlo: Expected from Pinky

Remi: Shut up Asslo

Ironman: Ok let's say you had to spend it all on one person, Who would it be?

Remi: 🤔

Remi: Blyke or Isen? Maybe Arlo?

Ironman: Oh God damnit I bet on the wrong person

Remi: ?

Ironman: Here have a thousand dollars just got to the mall and bye something cool to send to the group chat

Remi: Ok!

Arlo: 🤦‍♂️

Remi is offline

Arlo: Why are you making bets on people's love lives?

Ironman: Fun 😊

Arlo: 🤦‍♂️

All are offline

A/N hope you enjoyed, Who should get money next? Probably Blyke but lmk your opinions!

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