Chapter 19

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Third person POV

The moonlight shined down on the water as Bella's feet dangled from the edge of the dock. She waited patiently for Uma. Uma was scared to face Bella, she knew she blew her chance of being able to stay in Auradon but she wanted to apologize to Bella. Bella had faith in Uma and Uma disappointed her. An apology  was the least she could do. The rustling of the water quickly caught Bella's attention.

"Uma is that you?" Bella asked softly looking into the dark water

Uma's head popped out from the water and she looked at Bella with regret. Bella gave her a soft smile and patted next to her. Uma wasn't a huge octopus anymore, she changed back into her normal size and sat next to Bella.

"Bella look I'm sorry" Uma started "I guess the idea of being off the Isle got to me"

Bella placed her hand on Uma's shoulder and smiled. Bella didn't blame Uma, everyone makes mistakes.

"That's alright Uma, I get it. Sometimes I think of doing crazy things in order to get things my way. But you just have to realize that crazy isn't always the option." Bella told her

"So your not angry?" Uma asked shocked

Uma thought about how she spelled Bella's brother, tried to ruin his relationship with Mal, turned him against his own sister, demanded for the wand and almost hurt everyone on the boat. Uma knew what she did was wrong but she didn't understand how Bella could be so forgiving. To Uma, that was crazy. If it was the Isle...who knows what would have happened to her.

"Well I was at first, but I know why you did it. You thought people wouldn't take you seriously. I sometimes feel like that. See Uma, we are alike in many ways and I know that you didn't want to hurt anyone. You want your friends and family to be free. It will just take time, but it will happen. I promise." Bella spoke

Uma looked at Bella and started to smile. She was so thankful to have talked to Bella on the Isle and gotten to know her. Bella was so brave and no one knew what she was capable of.

"Thank you" Uma said

Bella pulled her into a hug and smiled her famous smile. Bella really liked Uma, she understood her in a way that no one else from Auradon would.

"I was going to make Ben give you the crown" Uma confesses "you deserve so much more than him. I don't care if he's older"

"I know, but Ben is a great king. He's more of a people person than I am. I'm just the brains" Bella laughed "don't tell him I said that"

Uma let out a laugh and wrapped her arm around Bella's shoulder.

"I can see us becoming great friends" Uma said

"I can too" Bella smiled

For a few moments Bella and Uma sat looking at the water as the music from the boat carried its way to them. Bella placed her hands on her lap and Uma crosses her arms and legs.

"You know" Uma said "Mal won't rest until she finds me"

Bella nodded, she knew Mal would take longer in forgiving her. So would her parents, and possibly the rest of Auradon. But Bella knew that Uma was a good person and all it takes is one to believe.

"Probably but who's says she'll find you" Bella said as she got an idea

"What do you mean? Where will I go?" Uma asked "the first place she'll look is the Isle"

"Mal is smart, she'll know you won't be going back there. That's too easy. Listen I know a place that you could go. It's close by to Atlantis." Bella told her

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