Chapter 9

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Bella's POV

I take a deep breath as we all walk down the boardwalk to the front of Uma's ship. Pirates were everywhere, swinging from ropes and fooling around the ship. There was no doubt that we were outnumbered by a lot. I quickly put my hand over my sword as Carlos came up to me frighten me a nit. 

"You'll be okay, don't worry" Carlos ensures me "just stay close"

I nod my head and picked up Dude, who was shaking.

"I can handle myself Carlos, I'm a lot more skilled at this than you think I am" I told him "Just because I am a cheerleader doesn't mean I can't use a sword. Besides I'm not the one you should be worrying about" 

I gestured towards Dude who was still shaking, Carlos looked over at him and gave him a slight pat on the head.

"I'm not scared, you're scared" Dude said making me laugh

"I'm not scared Dude, you're the one who is shaking" I noted

"I'm a dog! we shake!" Dude defended himself

I let out another laugh and placed Dude down as we got closer to the ship. Once our presence was noticed some of Uma's pirates began to cheer.  

"Hey guys! They're here!!" Gaston's son sang out

Harry popped out of no where laughing. "Welcome!" He yelled

"Finally!" Uma said laughing while doing a little dance

We approached closer to the ship and stopped as Mal got closer. Uma flipped her hair behind her and started to rap. Okay didn't see that one coming.

"Huh, let's get this party started. I swear I'm cold-hearted. There's no negotiation. I'm not here for debatin'. You need some motivation? Just look at Ben's face. Then ask yourself how long you. think I'll remain patient"

I looked over at my brother and seen that he was tied up and close to going of the edge of the plank. I made eye contact with him and mouthed that everything was going to be okay.

"I'll throw him overboard and let him swim with killer sharks. You either hand over the wand or he'll be ripped apart." Uma said

"Now, let's all just be smart. Although for you that must be hard. You'll get your wand. No one has to come to any harm. Don't try to intimidate. Your bark is much worse than your bite. Who's the baddest of them all? I guess we're finding out tonight!" Mal sang

Uma's pirates joined her and Jay, Carlos, Evie, Lonnie And I went behind Mal. I pulled out my sword and prepared to fight, I wasn't sure what I was going to do but no one gets between me and My brother.

"Let's go, bring it on! Better give us what we want. It's the wand for the crown. If you don't, it's going down!" Uma and her pirates sang

"Let's go, make your move! Peace or war, it's up to you. Give him up and do it now. If you don't, it's going down" We sang

"We want the wand. Or else the king is gone. Your time is running out. You should really watch your mouth"

Harry was holding a pocket watch one Ben's face and I felt my blood boil. The inner beast was showing. Sister bear if you will.

"Let's go, pound for pound. We're prepared to stand our ground. Put your swords up, put 'em up. It's going down!"

"Oh, oh, oh, make the trade. Oh, oh, oh, or walk the plank. Oh, oh, oh, make the trade. Oh, oh, oh, or walk the plank"

Mal looked at us and we all huddled for a second.

"Let me try" I said

"No way!" Carlos protested

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