Potions Disaster

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After lunch, Olivia led them to a cozy study table away from the fireplace where other students tended to go in the library. 

It was the first week of school, so the room was relatively empty except for a sleepy wizard who minded the books and kept students out of forbidden sections. Nella took a wary peek at the dimly lit maze; she wondered if magic gave it more room or if it was naturally a larger part of the castle.

Deeper in Nella spotted stairs and was about to ask if the library had several levels but Olivia's face marked with tears stopped her.

“What's all this about?” Scorpius inquired.

"My mum."

"Is she okay?" he worried.

"No! No one cares about her!" she exclaimed in a sudden fury.

"What do you mean?-"

"Do you even know who Luna is?" She flung at Albus. Albus bristled back.

"Of course I do! She fought in the war she saved my dad loads of times-"

"How about you!?" Her eyes darted to Scorpius who flinched and shrunk into himself.

"Can you stop attacking us?!" Albus shouted defending his friend. Olivia started staring at each one of the scared Slytherins. The Hogwarts librarian seemed to have dozed off.

Olivia took a deep breath to continue more calmly.

"Right. I'm sorry. This has been bothering me since I started last year.”

"I'm not sure exactly what to do but I have an idea. Could you guys help? I can't do it alone a-and you're my only friends. No one in my house likes me." Her last sentence fell into her lap. Nella wondered if her other two friends felt as empathetic as she did. They were all outcasts it seemed.

"We aren't exactly popular, you know. You need a Gryffindor or someone..." Albus looked uncomfortable as he rubbed his hair.

"Doesn't Harry do seminars? Could he do a dedication to Luna? She did help after all." Nella pressed Albus. She thought at least there was a chance to help.

"I don't know. " He continued to muss his hair.

"Please, Albus?" Olivia's eyes still sparkled. Nella could feel the tension rolling off Albus's shoulders as Olvia backed him into a corner.

"I guess I can ask; it just seems a little weird."

"People will listen to your father if he has something to say." Scorpius pointed out.

"Thanks Albus! Thank you!" Olivia grasped his hand and began shaking him aggressively.

"Er... we should probably head to class..." Nella tried to save Albus from being mauled. As they made their way to their potions class, Albus muttered about owling his dad tonight.

"Oh no!" Nella gasped.

"What?!" The two boys of the group started at Nella's sudden shock.

"I haven't owled Lily yet! She must be worried!" Nella turned as if she could just find an owl somewhere before a pair of hands turned her back around.

"Nella, deep breath. You're making thunderclouds." Scorpius looked uneasily up above them at the dark clouds starting to noisily draw attention; the group hurried off to class before they got in trouble.

~ ☪ ~

Potions was located near the Slytherin common room in the dungeons. Nella shivered and hoped it wouldn't be as chilly in the classroom. 

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