Professor Winky

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Nella and Scorpius came to the silent agreement to not bring up that instance with Rose around Albus; he seemed very bothered and possibly frustrated because his cousin avoided them taking up the Gryffindor principle.

The first year's schedule blocking had odd open periods throughout the day and on this Monday the Slytherin and Gryffindor first years were done for the day. Nella looked forward to either hiding in the Slytherin common room or seeing if Olivia was available to practice magic until Hagrid spotted her making his way to the Great Hall early for lunch.

"There ye are! I've got a message!" Hagrid quickly passed Nella a pristine letter before leaving without even a goodbye.

"He seems busy today. Who's it from?" Nella turned the envelope over and groaned.

From Winky adorned the back of the smooth white envelope.


"What is it?"

"I'm getting special classes with Winky, who is an elf."

Scorpius scrunched his pale eyebrows before widening his eyes in realization.

"They perform wandless magic don't they?" Nella nodded and began opening the letter before entering the hall.

Winky wanted to meet during the fifth period of the day. Nella tried to breathe calmly and push the anxiety down so lunch would be edible. The trio made to enter the Great Hall, but some kind of barrier bounced their feet back causing them to fall over backwards.

Cackling followed.

"I caught a Potter! HAHA!" A haughty voice echoed around them seemingly with no source.

"Peeves?" Albus wondered out loud to the other two but Scorpius merely shrugged and Nella had no idea what that word meant; the voice did, however.

"PEEVES!? YOU DARE COMPARE ME TO THAT POLTERGEIST!?" Then a silvery figure rushed forward from the ceiling stopping in front of the group. Scorpius gasped in recognition.

"Bellatrix!?" He whispered, staring wide-eyed at the bad-tempered ghost. The ghost turned her glare onto Scorpius who shrank into himself in response.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THE POTTER BOY YOU FILTHY BLOOD TRAITOR!" She reached her hands through him as if to throttle him but Nella learned in this moment ghosts couldn't touch the living and her hands plunged through him. Apparently, it still wasn't a comfortable feeling as Scorpius shivered violently and backed far away from her.

She glared but didn't follow.

"What's going on? How dare you be so loud in the- Oh it's Bellatrix." Behind the small gathering and ghost came marching up the Headmistress McGonagall. Her pursed lips nearly disappeared in her severe glare.

"Let us through Bellatrix." Nella expected the ghost to cower but then what does a ghost have to fear? Bellatrix cackled.

"I'll only let Slytherin through!" She sang.

"But, we are Slytherin," Nella muttered confused. She quietly decided she needed to go through her history book tonight.

That was the worst thing she could say.


"Spiritus Immobulus." Headmistress McGonagall flicked her wand and the ghost of Bellatrix stopped mid-motion. Without a word, McGonagall summoned a hand fan and sent the ghost off with a draft.

"She's too far away, you should be able to enter the hall. Please be a bit quieter than her." 

“Professor?” Albus stepped quickly up to the Headmistress before she left them at her quick pace. She paused so Albus could finish his question.

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