Enter Nella's Special Teacher

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The night before leaving for Hogwarts lasted infinitely. It didn't help that Lily, who typically jabbered away the night with Nella, went to bed early that night. Nella suspected she slept early because she felt envious of everyone who was leaving.

She wished she could trade places and put off Hogwarts for a few more years, but when she brought it up with Lily she got sour.

Two o'clock crept up and past as Nella contemplated anything she could do to prep for tomorrow.

Everything was packed except Rupert who snoozed away at the foot of her bed. Her and Lily's room was immaculate besides a snack Lily snuck up to eat half of.

She would read her textbooks but she felt so nervous. She didn't want to think about the spells she would soon have to learn and be able to cast; she couldn't even read her history text.

Too soon, Mrs. Potter was shaking her shoulder and handing her a small pouch.

"Remember, the peace potions are in the green wrappers and the calm draughts are in the purple. Don't take too many or else you'll be spending most of your time with Madam Pomfrey and she's getting old..."

"Mum, what time is it…" Lily still looked grumpy as she changed into muggle clothes for the ride, but she might have just been sleepy.

"Six. Hermoine has to speak with Nella  before we go-"

"Ughhhh..." Nella nearly groaned with Lily but was afraid if she opened her mouth something other than words would come up. She pulled out a green lozenge resigned to the fact she'd run out by the first day.

~ ☪ ~

Something told Nella that Mrs. Potter was experienced with getting her kids out on time.

Breakfast was on the table, beans on toast, and then all the children were being led to the door, but before each child left Mrs. Potter didn't let anyone pass, besides Lily, until she could check that nothing was being left behind. Rupert purred at Nella's shoulder, possibly trying to help her feel some peace. As they headed out a car was waiting for them, Harry sat in the driver's seat and waved nervously.

"Mrs. Potter?"

"Yes, Nella?"

"Won't I need Rupert's litterbox?"

"No he can go outside-"

"What if he gets lost?" Rupert made a quiet noise of indignation as if to say he would never.

"Just ask Hagrid to keep an eye out for him. He's great with animals." Nella nodded but wasn't certain as everyone else was seated in. The car was much larger inside than out. They hardly needed to put their luggage in the trunk, even with Teddy joining in on the ride. Albus and James had their owls in cages on their laps.

"Ginny I don't think Hagrid likes cats-"

"He could still keep an eye out, couldn't he? As long as Rupert stayed out of the Forbidden Forest." Harry shrugged and Nella added Forbidden Forest to her mental list of places she didn't ever want to visit.

"How come Nella doesn't have to keep Rupert in a cage? Shadow has to be in a cage..."

"James I've got to drive a car. An owl flying around is a terrible idea."

Rupert hissed at James and he stuck out his tongue muttering something that sounded suspiciously like "Bullocks..."

"What did you just say?"

"Nothing mum!"

Harry drove over some kind of lump and both James and Albus nearly dropped their cages. Rupert toppled over and returned to Nella's lap without much complaint.

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