First Impressions on the Hogwarts Express

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Mr. Potter and Nella rushed to the border between the platforms that separated the wizarding train from the muggle trains. This appeared as a brick barrier between platforms nine and ten at King's Cross station. Once through it felt like someone cranked up the volume.

The train let out a belt of steam, other parents and students laughed and conversed, and several animals screeched. Some children wailed as well as some cats. Rupert rumbled a deep growl and snuggled deeper into Nella's hood.

"Me too Rupert."

Nella decided she didn't want to be caught lost looking to find a seat so she hurried goodbye to the Potters and Teddy, however, she could not hurry her goodbye with Lily and promised to write her every day, then she boarded with her luggage looking for a compartment that wasn't full of people or luggage stuffed on top.

She managed to find one closer to the back of the train and tucked her luggage up next to whoever jammed theirs in a neighboring compartment. Albus and James were still saying their goodbyes and Nella wasn't prepared for someone to slide into her compartment.

The door slammed and rattled the glass. Nella nearly jumped out of her seat and Rupert growled hiding deeper in her hood.

"Wotcher." Nella stared uncomprehendingly.

The girl in the doorway lifted a dark eyebrow like she expected Nella to say something.

"Can I sit here?" Nella nodded mutely and helped her place her luggage on top of the compartment. Once they turned to sit down Nella jumped spotting a large furry mass sitting in the seat across from her.

"What's that?"

"What? Oh, that's just Juniper." Ears flicked forward on top of the mass and startlingly green eyes peaked at Nella. This was a large cat and Rupert shifted uncomfortably.

"You can pet her, she likes other cats too... Well, are you going to share your name?" Nella struck out her hand in greeting.

"Sorry! I'm Nella Dursley. I'm a first-year."

"No kidding, you're a first-year. I'm Olivia Scamander." She rolled her eyes as if expecting an annoying reaction. Nella realized her last name sounded a little familiar but she couldn't place it.

"You haven't asked me about my grandad? You muggle-born?" Nella nodded.

"Your name does sound familiar actually?" Besides being curious, Nella didn't feel up for her life story and wanted to avoid it. Muggleborn indeed but not much memory to show for it there.

"Did you take a good look at your school books this year?"

Nella continued in confusion for a moment longer.

She gasped.

"Scamander!" Olivia nodded sourly, her short brown hair swinging forward obscuring her humorless eyes.

"My great, great, great grandad. He wrote it... By the way, are you foreign? Your accent sounds-"

"American. I've lived in London for three years though." Nella wasn't sure what her accent sounded like, but she noticed she still lingered on her American accent but got less confused on hearing words like “kip” and “git”.

"Do you know who my mother is?" As unfair as it was Nella could tell the heavy question was only allowed one answer, but how could she possibly know? As Nella nearly told her, no, Olivia interrupted her.

"No one remembers my mum. Luna not only fought in the war she-"

"Does she work the wand shop?" Nella remembered Harry speaking to a 'Luna' when she got her wand and that wasn't a common name. Olivia looked her up and down with approval.

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