Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

 The next day T'lyn was released, but she was put on bedrest until further notice. "Permission to enter" Dr.Culber asked standing by the door. "Sure Dr.Culber" T'lyn said as she sat on the edge of her bed, ignoring her bodys protests. "Please call me Hugh." He told her. "I am not her on business but it seemed as if you needed a friend" Hugh told her as he walked in her room. "Thank you. But I do not know how long I will stay here." T'lyn said as she looked down. "You don't have to tell me what happened between you guys. But all I have to say, I have never seen a Vulcan so worried as Spock was." Hugh said as he sat next to T'lyn.

"Do you know that I used to be called sunshine?" T'lyn said, looking at the ground. "I used to be a happy person, until something happened between me and Spock." She said finally looking up. "May I know what happened between you guys?" Hugh asked. "Sure, it happened about two years ago.

"Spock" T'lyn said, looking at Spock. "Yes T'lyn?" Spock asked T'lyn. "What's with these formalities, we've known each other for years."T'lyn said as she looked at Spock. "Did you have something to say or can I leave?" Spock asked T'lyn, leaving her question unanswered. "Spock, you are so cold towards me. You have been ever since I told you I liked you." T'lyn said as she looked straight into Spocks eyes. "I don't think of you like that." Spock said with no emotion. "You don't have to like me but don't be so cold towards me" T'lyn told him. "I will never like you like that. So if there wasn't anything else, I'll leave." Spock said as he left.

"He gave me a cold shoulder ever since, he didn't even see me off when I left the enterprise." I said looking down again. "He refused to answer my calls and acted as if I were a stranger after that night. What he didn't realise was that I had nobody else but him. He left me all alone, so I closed off." I said, taking a deep breath. "I became a different person" I finished with tears in my eyes. "You have me now" Hugh said, hugging the younger lady. "Do you still have those feelings for him?" Hugh asked her. "I am not sure." she said down.

Hugh left her room pretty late after getting her to fall asleep. Hugh was happy that he could befriend her, and he was happy that he could get her to fall asleep. Both of them slept through the night not knowing how stressful the next couple of days are going to be like.

After breakfast T'lyn was told she was needed at the bridge. When she arrived at the bridge they told her to go to the ready room. When T'lyn arrived in the room she saw Captain Pike, Saru, Michael, Spock and Admiral Cornwell. Where they talked about what they know of control and how they would handle it. "Lieutenant T'lyn, what do you think control wants?" Admiral Cornwell asked T'lyn. "How would she know? Her mission was to investigate the signals" Captain Pike told Admiral Cornwell, not bothering to look at T'lyn. "Well, I have worked with Lieutenant T'lyn and I know the way she works" Admiral Cornwell said, looking proudly at T'lyn.

"I can confirm Admiral Cornwell's suspicions. When I was injured I looked through the reports about Control and what I found was quite interesting." T'lyn said professionally. "We don't know much about control, but what we know is that it wants the Sphere data. We don't know why it wants the data. We also don't know what it will do to get it" T'lyn said, looking at the others. "Please elaborate Lieutenant T'lyn" Captain Pike said, motioning for T'lyn to continue. "Control is an AI that is deep inside Section 31's computer systems. The AI has one final goal, which is currently unknown to us. But what we know is that the AI does not care who or what gets hurt in the process." T'lyn said, finishing her conclusions.

Tilly barged into the room not soon after. Explaining about 'project Daidalos', and that the bio-neural signature of the red angel is Michael burnham. "It does make some logical sense, but there are still questions left unanswered. Lieutenant T'lyn, I want you to continue your research with this new information." Captain Pike ordered.

T'lyn was in the middle of her research when she was told to get her equipment and meet the rest in the transporter room. "Captain Pike. If I may ask, why are we going to the transporter room?" T'lyn asked as she entered the transporter room. "You will see when you arrive down there. Now hurry" Captain Pike said leaving the transport room.

T'lyn was setting up her things down on the planet, the hevier things were carried by someone else. "T'lyn, I believe we have to talk" Spock said, turning to T'lyn. "We are here on a mission and we should focus on that mission." T'lyn said professionally, not even sparing a glance towards him. "When did you become cold?" Spock asked her, not really expecting an answer. "Ask yourself" was all T'lyn said before starting her work.

Spock didn't understand her response but left it at that since the mission started. Burnham choked to death, but the red angel came and saved her at the last minute. That's when we saw who it was. Micheal's mother. T'lyn felt envious of Michael that got to meet her mother again. But she knew that the mission was more important than her feelings. So she focused on her research.

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