death proof

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A/N JJ= jingle jangle 

"Lucifer what the hell are you doing with my English teacher" you ask as you saw him in a chair kinda bloody "you told me to find out who's making the JJ and that would be this fellow here the Sugerman" he said "no i told you too find the leader who's selling the JJ as in the head Ghoulie, but this will work" you said looking at the teacher you told lucy to get info out of him then give him back to Malachai who you think is the leader of the Ghoulies then you and sweet pea go back to the trailer you got ready for school you were walking down the hall with sweet pea and fangs when the door burst open you see cops and mayor mccoy then you see archie taking jughead when you go to run you get slammed into a locker by one of the cops then does sweet pea a few lockers down then fangs and toni after you sweet escape of leaving the sheriff's office really easily maybe too easy but whatever when you get a text from tall boy and meet up with him you ran into jughead and you guys walked to the place and talked "how'd you get out" jughead asked "law school they show a cell is built and it has a default lock just in case something happens" you say feeling bad about leaving your friends but one serpent missing is way less important than all go missing and cops running the streets when you get there your confused "what's this about tall boy" you said taking charge and not in the best mood "sit down" he said "no thanks tall boy but why are we here" you said "we have business to discuss" tall boy said "tall boy what the hell is this" jughead asked "well, well, well if it isn't yn" Malachai says "Malachai" you say not happy to see him but your more angry at the fact that tall boy is a trader while Malachai talks to jughead you send coordinates to lucifer just in case you go missing but he took it as an invitation to join you "sorry im late i was held up" lucy said a few minutes after talking to Malachai "who is this" Malachai and tall boy both ask "well he's here to make sure we don't end up dead" you say "sorry who the hell are you" jughead askes pointing to Malachai "take it easy jughead Malachai speaks for the ghoulies, with the heat on us and our ranks depleted our tribes need to unite" tall boy says "over my dead body will serpents ever work/live with ghoulies and tall boy ever come back to the whyte wyrm and ill have your trader head on a stick" you say grabbing jughead and leaving so he can't talk to them anymore once you leave you punch a wall in anger "i have to go back but I'll be in touch" you say hiding your phone in your pocket of your serpent jacket "when you see betty tell her i know who the sugar man is" you say walking away you sneak back and tell the serpents about tall boy and everything that happened 

meanwhile with jughead "this isn't an alliance with the ghoulies this is a hostile takeover oh god who know how long tall boy has been planning on betraying us maybe i stall just until yn toni and sweet pea get out i just hope they'd rather go to war with the ghoulies then start dealing jingle jangle" jughead says "jughead i thought yn got out" archie says "she had to go back the serpents are the only thing she has left since you told her about her dad" jughead says "ill talk to her later when shes out but you joined the serpents to keep the peace" archie says "my dad would never sit back and let this happen and neither will i so unless you have any better ideas" jughead says "not me but dude what you just said" 

back with you after much yelling at keller about serpents not dealing JJ, he lets you guys go and you guys get out later that night and you go to meet jughead and talk about the race "you did what" you yelled hearing about the wyrm and sunny side trailer park "jughead you can't" you said "yn listen i will win" jughead says "lucy has a racing car give it to betty, and if you don't win i will have your head jug" you said and left to get the car from lucy you gave it to betty and left her to do her work 

the next day the race is on your sweet peas bike as he leans on it, and you play with your rings "calm down yn" sweet pea says taking your hand "i can't" you say taking a beer from toni you here sirens and get more worried and get ready and leave with sweet pea that night sweet pea stopped Infront of archies house "sweet i can't" you say and you guys leave you tell betty the name of the sugar man and tell her that he's an English teacher at south side high and hung up 'pops tomorrow morning' said archies text and went to school the next day and smiled at the sugar man leaving 

y/n Andrews (Riverdale)(Sweet Pea X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now