faster pussycats

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that morning you meet up with jughead and betty as you teased "how breakfast with Ms. cooper" you teased jughead as the coopers never liked you when betty asked "the sisters of quite mercy, what's that like a church or a charity" she asked as you looked it up "no its a home for troubled youths where disenfranchised teens will learn such virtues as discipline and respect enjoying lives of quite reflection and servitude" you read the screen of your laptop "poor polly" betty says.

later at lunch you were on your way to your dads work even tho he hired hermione and she has the books she couldn't sign off the papers as she doesn't share the Andrew name and that's the papers your dad was backed up on but as you were walking you stopped when your phone went off 'turn around' said the texted you turned around and saw sweet pea "you can't be here" you said as he walked towards you "why i thought you told him" sweet pea says "i did just not everything" you say as you didn't want to hurt him "you mean the serpent part" he asked looking at you "its not him i don't trust its archie if he finds out your a dead man walking" you say as you start walking towards your dads work as its not that far away "i don't care about archie yn I'm tired of keeping this a secret" he says grabbing your hand and walking with you "how about you come to diner tonight" you say as you know archie wont be there "ok" he says as he kissed your head and left when you got to your dads work hermione was there typing "how's the first day going" you asked her as you walked in sitting at your desk she doesn't answer as you get the feeling she doesn't like you you put your head phones in to block out everything else when your dad comes in you wave at him and continued to sign your last name on the papers you had two piles the finished ones and the ones that needed another signature "how's the first day" your dad asked "Um its your books, fred" she looked to make sure you weren't listening then continued "you only have enough in the bank to cover three more weeks of payroll" she said "i just don't want to i cant just let my guys go last time i fired someone it was not good i trust those guys and they trust me that's worth everything" he answered "yeah but i mean even putting your business at risk" hermione said "I'm waiting to hear on this huge bid its a long shot but you know that new development were the old drive-in used to be I'm thinking the construction could actually put me back in the black if i knew who the buyer was i would plead the case myself so i could do the next best thing mayor mccoy is handling all the arrangements for the buyer so invited her to diner" you cut him off "tonight's diner" you ask "yeah why"  he askes as you grabbed your stuff nothing ill come back and finished the papers later love you dad" you say kissing him on the cheek and leaving as you texted sweet pea to walk you back to school he comes and asks "what's this for" he says as you and him walk "if you wanna come to tonight's diner its only going to be me and my brother my dad had some last minute thing to do and is having diner with mayor mccoy at the Pembroke" you say not knowing what's going to happen tonight when you get another text from veronica and a picture attached of your dad kissing hermione "sweet pea i have to go but text me later about diner" you say leaving. 

later in the day at like 5 you got home "dad!" you yelled as he was about to walk upstairs "yes" he asked walking down a few steps "what's this" you asked showing him the picture veronica sent you "yn we'll talk about it later but for now please don't tell your brother" you cant believe what he just said so you went to your room and locked the  door when your dad was talking to archie "hey just wanted to let you know i uh i bought tickets for all the guys at work to come and see you in the variety show, me and hermione are going to have diner with mayor mccoy so you and your sister can get pops" he says and leaves "archie is it ok if i have someone over for diner tomorrow  dad said he was going to come but he has other plans and i don't want you to overreact when he come so please promise me that your not going to freak" you ask as sweet pea told you he was coming tomorrow "whatever" you just nod to his answer and walk away.

the next day all you could think about was the diner you texted sweet pea 'can it just be me and you at pops then dinner tomorrow' 'sure' he answered you calmed down a bit, but you were still worried a lot you failed your math test and had a break down on your free period you calmed down and then carried on with the day you walked into the lounge and heard veronica tell archie about the kiss "they're married to other people" veronica says as you walked in "well our mom and dad are separated" you corrected her "and your dad is-" "my dad is what" veronica interrupted archie "hes incarcerated" he says you leave not wanting that, you were standing at your locker texting sweet pea when veronica walks in with the pussycats

when your dad and archie left to have dinner with mayor mccoy when you meet sweet pea at pops you guys had a fun time which you needed right now then you guys walked out and he handed you a helmet you took it and got on his motorcycle he dropped you off it was late so you walked throw the door when you dad said "you late" "i know dad I'm sorry i lost track of time" you say fixing your hair "when do we get to meet your boyfriend" he asked "i was hoping tomorrow after the variety show" you say as you sat next to him on the couch "yn you know how you asked to move school's" you looked at him confused but nodded "well you can when they have the next opening" he says giving you the papers "thank you dad" you hugged him then went to your room you texted sweet pea the good news then went to bed 

the next day you got ready for show "where does that leave you" Val asked archie "i was born alone ill die alon-" "not alone completely" you say walking into the room "yn what are you doing here" he asked " well a few nights ago i studied your song so if you need help ill be there you weren't born alone if you forgot you have a twin" you say as he thinks about it "if i freeze you'll help me right" he asked "yup" you nod and left you stood backstage with your brother you leave when veronica and archie talk as archie said he wanted to do it alone you sat with your dad and veronica stay with archie 

later that night you and your dad go to pops as archie didn't want to he meet sweet pea and then you went home sweet pea left before you but your dad liked him and that was all that mattered. 

y/n Andrews (Riverdale)(Sweet Pea X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now