the outsiders

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"you gotta stop blowing me up" jughead says "you're going the wrong way what are you doing, come on" archie says as the game ended "you're the one who keeps accidentally killing me" jughead says "war is hell jug" archie says "no archie hell is other people jughead says when you walk in the room "will you two stop I'm trying to finish my book" you say when your dad walks in "hey guys its getting pretty late you settling in jug" your dad says "oh completely its like archie and i are just roommates in a college dorm" jughead say as archie opens the window oh great what does that make me, the RA" "no your the third roommate" archie says "all right well get to bed" he said as he kind pushes you out the room you go to yours and get ready for bed then read the book till you fall asleep.

you get to school late and run in the lunge with vegas as you didn't have time to take him back home and they were talking about polly and the baby you didn't really care as long as polly and the baby and happy and healthy about hours later you texted your dad 'i need you to come sign more papers 'on my way dad' you get up and leave because you had free period when you get there "hey Vic" you say as you walk in and sit down "i was just getting ready to come out and walk you through the day" you dad says as he walks towards the worker that just came in "i hate to do this to you fred but um i gotta pull my crew" Vic says "before we've even stared what happened" your dad asks as you looked up and paid more attention "cliff blossom reached out says hes got a big job coming up says he needs us free and available blossoms willing to guarantee us two years' work starting now you can't ask my guys to turn down that kind of money" Vic says "no Vic i cant" "sorry fred" Vic says and leaves 

later that day you and archie got pops and you couldn't focus on anything else besides that fact that your dad had no crew your phone keeps going off till archie took it "hey don't touch my stuff" you say trying to take it back "what's bothering you" he asked as he looked at your phone "its just dad lost the crew today and needs a new one but he cant find anyone" you say "so your boyfriend hes a southsider" archie says reading old text "omg don't start now" you say again trying to get your phone back "and a serpent yn what are you thinking" he says "I'm thinking that he makes me happy and i don't care what you say" you finally took your phone "does dad know" he asked "does dad know omg who do you think i am of course dad knows I'm not you i don't keep secrets from him" you say walking away not in the mood for him, when you walk home "don i just need a few guys from your crew a couple to get me started i did check ill get back to you don" your dad says and hung up as you and archie walk in "dad we know you don't have-" archie cut you off "what was that about" he asked "its all good" your dad said something happened at work or" archie asked "cliff blossom made my crew an offer they couldn't refuse so they walked every last one of them" your dad said you felt bad but you didn't know what to do "screw them then anyone who'd rather work for Clifford blossom then you is crazy dad" archie said and you nod in agreement "dad what is it" he asked as you know what's going on "you always make me talk to you about my problems" archie says "the business its in trouble archie has been for a long time big jobs are just a few and far between that's why the sodale thing is so important i cant break ground without a crew so everyday I'm just hemorrhaging cash we've got equipment sitting there supplies bills that are past due" you looked down as archie snapped "dad why didn't you tell me i had no idea" "it was never supposed to get this bad you work your ass off to build something and in one false step you could lose everything" you dad says as you try to comfort him "no dad your not losing anything we'll figure this out 

the next day you and your brother came up with a plain well more your plain but still ask the football team to help with construction so that day you got the team and meet at your dads work and you also invited sweet pea to help, and he said sure and showed up a few seconds after you did "what is this" your dad asked "your new crew reporting for duty" you say "i appreciate it i do but isn't there something more important you need to be doing like going to school playing football" your dad says "we can work after practice and on weekends until you find a new crew to keep thing on schedule" archie said "come on dad we worked for you the whole summer and these guys" "we're bruiser studs Mr. andrews at least some of us are" moose says "come one desperate times dad" you say "all right here we go" the boys get to work as you finish all the papers when you walk outside you look at sweet pea "like the view" sweet pea say "you know i do" you say as they finish you and sweet pea stay outside by the light and have a little make out session when moose come back and you all see some guys in hoods messing with the power system "stay here call your dad and keller" sweet pea says protecting you you nod and call keller then your dad but by time moose gets jumped and sweet pea gets some bruises you run out and check on sweet pea "I'm ok babe" he says as he looks at you when keller comes he asks you sweet pea and moose some questions "what happened" keller asked "moose and sweet pea over there caught a couple of guys working over my equipment with crowbars and got the drop and them" your dad says as you hand moose and sweet pea ice packs "who were they vandals" keller asked "cliff blossom has made it abundantly clear he would love nothing more then to see this whole project go belly up" you dad says you and sweet pea leave after keller asked him questions "you wanna stay here for a while toni and fangs are coming by soon" sweet pea said "i would love too but-"you start but are cut off "but you have to go back" he said disappointed "yes but tomorrow i have an off day of school and work so ill be here" you says as you kiss him then leave.

when you get back to the construction site and hear archie say "maybe it wasn't him i mean this is serpent territory right maybe it was them pissed that they had to leave cause of this project" "serpents?" kevin asked "yeah" archie says "i can't believe you archie really serpents sweet pea is a serpent and he got hurt too" you say then take the truck you drive back to sweet peas trailer and knock on the door "yn what are you doing here" he asked "can i stay here for the night" you ask as you can't stand to be under the same roof as archie right now "sure but what's wrong it looks like you've been crying" he says as he lets "archie thinks it was the serpents" you says "but the law-"you cut him off "i know but they don't believe me" you look down when he lifts your chin with hand "its ok you tried and that's all you could do let's get you too bed" that night you stayed at sweet peas trail 

meanwhile at home with you dad and archie*

"Really archie" your dad said as they walked into the kitchen "i didn't know she was there" he says "that's not what i mean archie just because people are criminals just because there on the wrong side of the track and now only god knows when we're going to see yn next" your dad says and leaves archie in the kitchen the next morning archie pastes around his room "its so wrong Val things should not be this way " he says "its suck but please archie talk to me" Val says "i cant keep talking about it i have to do something" he says "hopefully not something you'll regret" she says "I'm sorry Val i have to go i have to try" he says grabbing hes jacket 

back to your pov* the next morning you and sweet pea went to the whyte wyrm and played pool when the last person you want to see walks in it was archie "omg" you say "what" sweet pea asked "archies here just stay here I'll be back" you say walking towards archie "what the hell are you doing here" you whisper-yell at him "yn why are you here" he asked "well if you looked at my message i said i was hanging out with sweet pea today" you say "wait you're the girl sweet pea talks about so much" Joaquin says "um yeah who are you" you asked "wait i don't care archie you have to leave before someone finds out you don't belong here" you say "and what you do" he asked " i don't know ok but you shouldn't be here" you say and walk back to sweet pea and fangs play pool and toni keeping score archie caused a small fight a few minutes after you walked away you just shook your head when FP says "hey that's enough mustang let 'em go" he yells as he walks down  "I'll take care of this" FP says its night when you walk out with sweet pea the bulldogs and FP "no you red you stay" FP says "I'm good" archie says and the others run "what the hell are you doing here" FP says you start laughing a bit "what are you laughing at" FP asked "its just i asked archie the same thing when he first came in but do continue i want to know where this goes" you say as sweet pea hugs you from behind "looking for the thugs that trashed my dads equipment and jumped moose we figured it was the serpents angry for getting kicked off there land" archie says "omg your still on this for the last time its wasn't a serpent because if you cant remember sweet pea got hurt too" you say as sweet pea tries to calm you down "but now that i know you're a serpent in thinking this is personal going after my dad his company this is payback right for when he fired you" archie started yelling "man you got a bigger imagination then jughead and that's saying something" FP says "this isn't a joke my dad could lose everything" archie says "you think I'm responsible that I've been what waiting all these years for a chance to get back at your old man no, no kid life's too short you don't know that now you will" FP says looking at the road "i called him the second you set foot into the bar" FP says "get in the truck archie" your dad said then looked at you "when are you coming home" he asked "i don't know" you say as sweet pea hugs you again "so what your a serpent now thought you left that behind" "guys gotta make a living" FP says as you and sweet pea walk back into the whyte wyrm "yn maybe you should go home your family doesn't like serpent" he said "i don't care if they don't like serpents i like the serpent that changed my life over the summer and i love him no matter what they think, i have to work with my dad tomorrow ill talk to him and if i see archie then ill talk to him but that doesn't matter not now not ever plus I'm moving schools soon and ill be with you more so there's nothing that can take us a part" later you guys go to bed and 

the next morning you go to the house when archie answers the door "sorry i though dad was here" you say starting to walk away "yn why are you with a serpent" he asked "because he makes me happy archie and i know you only care because hes a serpent i mean what the hell just because people wear leather jackets and have snake tattoos and ride motorcycles doesn't mean shit and i swear if i hear that you stepped another foot into the southside you will fill my rath" you said and walked away you went to your dads work to sign papers but on the way to the desks "yn i didn't think you'd show up" "well the papers aren't going to sign them self" you say and walk into the offices "yn how long" "like i said last night i don't know until i fell welcomed at home" you say and walked away 

y/n Andrews (Riverdale)(Sweet Pea X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now