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You'd been sitting in the bath trying to calm your mind with what had just happened with Matt in your living room. The vanilla sent wasn't strong enough to distract you from the idea of Matt bleeding all over your almost naked body but it was strong enough for you not to hear him lean against the doorway of the bathroom. You'd left the door open in case he started screaming or bleeding while in your bed.

Matt was listening to the way your heart was beating calmly and the strong smell of vanilla from you made perfect sense now.

"You make it a habit to leave this door open when you bathe?" The mocking in Matt's voice was annoyingly evident.

"Only as common as you and your habit for being stabbed half to death and bleeding out on peoples floors" you mumbled back knowing he could hear you.

He chuckled slightly in reply "so very often then?" he smiled at you.

"Oh good. You're lucky I don't have carpet!" you rolled your eyes and slumped lower into the bathtub.

"Aren't you worried I'm looking at you while you're in the bath?" his voice rough from the tense breathing.

"That would require eyes Matt" you deadpanned, running the loofa along your legs.

"I have eyes" he shifted very slowly on his feet the pain in his abdomen made sure there were no sudden movements.

"Oh good! No offence or anything but that would've been kinda creepy..." you leaned your head back against the bathtub side and watched him move slowly, cautiously. Almost like he was thinking deeply.

"I'm sorry I left you waiting, I bet you looked really nice before I bleed every where." His head was hung low.

"Don't apologise anymore Matt, you have a serious reason to be late! You're the hero this city deserves..." Your pitched your voice lower and grumbled like Batman did and he laughed.

"You and Foggy need to spend less time together" you moved to sit on your covered toilet, trying to move gently.

"Did you want a turn? I think It would be good to remove some of that dirt and blood..." His body locked up and you furred your brow. Okay, maybe he preferred to be covered in dirt and dried blood.

"In there, now?" you shook your head confused. Was the water too hot, smelt bad, did he hurt!

"I can run you a fresh bath, I just think the shower will be too much, it'll hurt" he smiled into his lap in response.

"You are in the bath. Did you want me in the bath too, at the same time..." Your eyes went wide, duh! Of course gentleman Matt thought about that before you got the chance too.

You laughed lightly, "Okay good call. If you would be so kind as too step out of the bathroom, I'll get dressed and then it's all yours. If you want help reaching all the hard to get spots just keep your underwear on and I'll give you a hand." He nodded understanding and slowly stood, using the bathroom sink to get to his full height.

You quickly dried yourself and got dressed in your pyjamas before walking out of the bathroom to find Matt standing over your bed where he was resting about an hour before hand.

"I've completely ruined the sheets" It was almost like he was staring at the dried blood.

"and I gave you the permission to rest there Matt, I ruined them by association" You smiled and put your arm on his shoulder, the muscles in his neck and arm tensed very slightly under your touch.

"Stop wresting your guilt and let me clean that blood off you, you'll feel heaps better" he turned his head towards you just a little before he smiled and started towards the bathroom.

His shirt was still off from when you had to remove it and stitch him shut, his heavy combat boots you'd removed when he was asleep in your bed so it was just the pants to go.

"do you uhhh, need help or..." You looked around the bathroom awkwardly and he shook his heads as he chuckled at you.

"I can do this bit, thank you." He undid the zip before your eyes shot towards the ceiling. That sharp sudden movement was easy for Matt to track and he couldn't help the loud laugh that followed.

You bit your lip realising that he definitely knew you were trying not to look at his junk. You heard his hiss slightly as he tried to lift his leg over your bathtub and your head shot down to watch him in case he fell. But instead you maybe on purpose noticed how sculpted his butt was, before you realised you were perving on a very injured blind man.

You moved over and held Matts elbow as he slowly lifted his leg and lowered it into the warm water. You helped as best as you could to lower him into the water till he was sitting and he let out a sigh.

Matt was leaning against the back of the tub, letting to warm water soak him and his cuts it felt so good on his sore muscles and limbs he let out a small groan.

"I'm going to lightly scrub now" you moved forwards on your knees and just used to sponge to move warm water along his chest and arms, just squeezing the water out and letting it run along his muscles. He groaned again but this time if felt far more personal.

Your selfishness, your want to hear that sound from him again wouldn't stop you from ringing the sponge out over and over again. Matt relaxed almost completely, he felt somewhat secure being bathed by you.

"I'm going to have to push a bit harder on your chest but just let me know if it hurts too bad okay." You poured some more soap on the sponge.

"Yeah" Matt replied quickly as he nodded.

You slowly dragged the sponge from the water in his lap, up his stomach and along both planes of his chest, beating up bad guys sure keeps him in damn good shape. Matt's head had rolled back almost completely, he was beyond tired and this felt soo good.

You ran the warm water and sponge along his throat and let the water run down his chest again, his head snapped up to meet your eyes and his hand clasped around your own.

The predator inside him stirred in his vulnerable state and his heart rate sky rocketed. Slowly letting his senses remember it was just you he relaxed.

"was that necessary" Matt's smirk was playing on his lips, he knew the answer, he knew you were enjoying this too. A weird part of you enjoyed looking after and caring for him, but you mainly just thought the sounds coming from his mouth were... for lack of a better word... really hot.

"Sorry" You bit your bottom lip before hanging the sponge over the faucet and standing beside him. You extended your hand and he took it, your help was much appreciated as he stood and stepped over the side of the bath again. You handed him a towel, a clean large tee shirt you usually slept in and you left the bathroom with a huge blush on your face.

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