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Matts heart was beating rapidly and sweat lined his brow, how could she know, he was also so careful. Matt was currently sitting in his office with the door closed trying to piece together how this had happened.

Foggy was hiding in his office watching Matt through the windows with Karen, this was not supposed to happen. Both Karen and Foggy had to wait for years to find out he way Daredevil and you'd just clued on. Some lawyer Foggy was, as for Karen, a pretty lousy investigative reporter.

"Do we go over and talk to him?" Karen watched Matt sit and stare at nothing in his office, which albeit wasn't unusual but it was still unnerving.

"Maybe I'll give it ago" Foggy reached for the door handle but Karen grabbed his hand,

"Just be careful okay, we don't need you to sarcastic you way to making it worse" Karen slid her hand off Foggy's arm. Matt's form abruptly stood and walked quickly to the door of his office ripping it open.

"I can hear you both, pity and sympathy isn't welcome" Matt stood there head cocked slightly listening for movement in the room. Karen shifted on her foot and he could hear Foggy slide his hair behind his ears and sigh very lightly.

"Damn your super hearing" Foggy broke the awkward silence and leaned back on the now open door to his office.

"Do we even know if she knows for sure. She could've been referring to something else" Karen crossed her arms over her chest hoping for the benefit of the doubt.

"Trust me Karen, there was no sexual implication" Matt deadpanned rolling his head slightly left his hands on his hips.

"How do you know?" Foggy looked at Matt and his eyes widened, "can you hear it?" Foggy was standing weirdly still in anticipation Karen was also very nervous for the answer knowing that she once found Matt attractive.

"I can just tell okay" Matt's eyes although unseeing held enough anger to let Foggy know to leave the subject alone.

"You have dinner with her again tonight right, so just ask some cleverly pointed questions, try and know for sure." The phone across the room started ringing and Karen moved to answer it.

"That's actually a very good idea" Matt replied, Karen smiled and answered the phone.

"She smiled" Foggy cleared up.

"Yeah Fog, I can tell" Matt's face finally showed signs of anything but anger, but the small smile dropped from his face. "I have to go, you guys will be okay with this paper work right, I'll fix up anything on my end tomorrow"

Foggy just nodded in response wondering if Matt could really tell, but sure enough Matt nodded in response and left to grab his jacket.


There she was serving another customer, Matt was hoping to sneak up on her and hope to find out if she was telling other people or customers. You weren't though, you just wanted Matt to know that you knew, you had so many things to ask him.

You saw him, sitting there at a faraway table facing away from you but the red tinted glasses and the cane leaning against the table were a dead give away.

Matt heard your breath catch in your throat and your heartbeat quicken. Your footsteps were getting closer and closer to him and he shifted nervously.

"Hi Murdock! Back for more coffee already?" you laughed lightly sensing the way he straightened at your question, almost like your presence was enough to put him on edge.

"When do you go on break?" he asked with a straight face. Right to business.

"I can ask someone to cover for 15min hang on" you walked away after that knowing damn well that Matt would be watching you like a hawk.

You brought over your lunch and a sandwich for Matt sitting down at the table with him. "What did I have to do to get this visit?" you smiled Matt almost softened at the sound of your voice but he remembered all the people that were in danger including you and remained stiff.

"Listen to me very carefully, I need you to answer me entirely truthfully, know that if you lie I will know." You dropped your fork and sat still, this was a side of sweet and charming Matt you didn't know.

"How do you know?" He watched you, tilting his head slightly left, listening and feeling the way your body would react, you were weirdly calm for his intimidation.

"You saved me remember" your eyebrows creased, maybe he saved so many people that he forgot. But Matt would never forget the way you felt against his skin, or the way you smelt.

"I do, how'd you work it out?" He felt the way your body changed slightly at this question, the danger of Daredevil made your lower belly tingle slightly and you closed your eyes hoping to alert Matt to nothing.

Too late for that.

Matt was perplexed by the physical response he got out of you, "answer me." He demanded. Your eyes snapped open and you swallowed the lump in your throat.

"I just knew Matt, I know how you smell and... and.. the way your body looks!" you said the last part of your sentence quickly and Matt's body tensed all over again. You looked down into your lap and shook your head slightly. "Can't believe you just made me say that..." you couldn't look up at Matt, you were silently hoping the ground would swallow you up entirely.

"The way I smell..." He quizzically turned his head at you, a smirk was more then evident on his face, he was enjoying the way you squirmed.

"Yes Matt, I don't know if you remember the night we... walked home from the bar but we've already discussed this." you sat back in your chair and crossed your arms. His face straightened.

"Who have you told" His expression was eerily hard to read and you gulped again, you've never felt this intimidated before. It was kind of hot...

"No one! I swear, can't have people taking you away and experimenting on you" you shrugged trying to lighten the mood at the table but Matt only eased slightly.

"Good, I believe you" He remained unmoved by your comment, in fact he remained unmoved for a while just watching the way you squirmed under his gaze. You were sure the smirk was back for a while before he reached a hand for your arm that was on the tables top.

"I'm just trying to keep people safe, help them" You nodded and then spoke up.

"I nodded..." You tilted your head slightly to the right, "But you knew that didn't you..." The smile on your face could be heard in your voice. Matt only nodded in response.

He stood suddenly from the table, you watched as he reached for the cane with one hand and then slowly leaned down to meet your face, stopping inches from your lips.

"Be good," you slid his free hand along your cheek till it wrapped loosely around your neck, a rush hitting between your legs at the contact and how close Matt's voice was all low and gravely. "I'll see you tonight, at your place, 7pm" his hand left your neck the space desperate for more attention, remembering how his lips felt. You whimpered slightly but with Matt as close as he was he had to have heard you. The smirk evident on his face as he left.

Daredevil - Matt MurdockWhere stories live. Discover now