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"Long Black no sugar, how are you?" You glanced up from the medium sized cup in your hand to attempt eye contact.

"Foggy told me he is sick of paying" Matt chuckled a warm smile spreading across his face.

"Luckily for you I know what he gets" you laughed and poured the coffee shots into the cups. These two boys had come into to the coffee shop for a while now. Matt was always kind and gentle not to mention very blind, Foggy was like his other more energetic half, its unusual to see one without the other. You couldn't count how many times on one hand that they'd asked you to settle an argument over something stupid, or you'd slip the two boys something from the cake cabinet free of charge. Some customers had a way of putting a smile on your face.

"Okay that everything?" you double checked the lid on Matts coffee and slid the cup tray towards him, knowing he'd need one hand for the walk to the office building.

"Yeah, thank you" you smiled a little wider, you knew he couldn't see you so you never felt the need to mask the way he made you feel, customer service face gone.

"Hang on, Foggy would kill me if I let you walk out of here without his caramel slice." Matt laughed at that, readjusting his hand on his cane and shaking his head. "Oh and by the way if you two boys ever needed a coffee lady once that office has its own building keep me in mind!" you handed matt the change and moved the cups so he could feel them on the bench.

"Oh definitely, Foggy would fight anyone that stood in his way when it came to good coffee and free snacks." Matt's smile reached his ears and he waved a goodbye as he left. God something about that boy, he really has the wounded lamb act going for him, not to mention how attractive he is anyway. you went back to work all the same as the work day dragged on.


"See you guys tomorrow" you clocked out and were heading home, the staff meeting run late into the night. Why was the temperature always so extreme here, either way too hot or way too cold. You checked your phone for messages before you started the walk home. The city life was as bustling as ever as people littered the streets. You just wanted to get home, out of the heat so you could wash the sweat dripping between your shoulder blades off your back when you heard a sudden noise from the alley you had to pass to get home. Your ears pricked up, heartbeat in your throat and your hand on your knife disguised as hand sanitiser hanging off your keys.

A small metal can rolled into view of the street light and you froze. A man franticly bounded from the darkness of the alley and you side stepped until your back hit the building next to you hoping not to be seen by him. The approaching steps of someone else in the alley turned your attention away form the criminal. That was when he turned to you.

"Stop right there or I'll blow her brains out" His arms around your body as the metal of a gun was pressed to your skull and your eyes squeezed shut. The footsteps in the shadows faltered before the figure emerged from the dark, only just being able to make him out but, not completely in the light.

"let her go" a deep, rich voice came from the unknown figure and tears streamed down your face. The criminal behind you panicked in his movements, turned the gun to the figure in the shadows and started firing into the dark. The loud noise from the gun inches from your head stopped your thinking and your legs fell from under you. You fell to the floor knees first and held your hands in your head. You knew crime was bad in the city but this is ridiculous, you just wanted to go home.

The gun went silent, you heard muffled noises but you wouldn't move, terrified the man would be back. A hand ran along your back and you stiffened, your eyes opening to see heavy boots on the floor and your lifted your head to see who was in front of you, but you couldn't stand, you managed to sit back on your heels but you couldn't feel your legs.

"you okay?" he didn't look at you, just behind you at head height slowly tilting his head to the side before moving it straight again. Every fibre of your being was very much not okay, but you weren't hurt and you knew that's what he was asking.

"Yeah fine" you tried to push yourself from the footpath but the sudden weight on your lifeless legs made you almost fall face first into the concrete. The Masked Man from the shadows caught you before you did thankfully and you mumbled a thank you before he held you up so you could get your legs under yourself.

"How far away is home, I'll follow you, make sure you get inside." his arms still on your shoulders so you could stand up straight.

"couple blocks" You whispered heart still trying to exit your chest. Still completely out of it you walked the entire first block before you came too. Your hearing and sight returning to normal, your could feel the way the muscles flexed in your thigh before your foot hit the pavement. The awareness of the stranger holding on to steadying you, was now very strong: as was he. The smell of coffee, cinnamon and a sweaty musk was coming from him, but that could've also been you. The mans bicep was running over your own arm and my god was it solid, not an ounce of fat was on this mans body. The way the all black suit had stuck to the sweat pooling on his skin made you very aware of that.

Once you reached your buildings front you slowed and stopped, now your alertness was back to normal. "When people asked how you saved my life, who do I say you are?" your eyes coming up to meet where his would be under his mask. He smirked slightly, and slowly took steps backwards towards the shadows.

"use your imagination, make up something exciting" and then he was gone, almost like he dissolved into the shadows. You stood there for a while looking for him, until you noticed a figure flipping to the next roof over, you couldn't help the tiny ping of attraction towards the mystery man. A small bubble in your lower stomach.

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