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The coffee shop was busy as always and you'd first noticed the two boys walk in when they opened the door. You were on edge and looking for him all morning the anticipation settling in your lower stomach and throat. Your heart was fluttering and you kept stuttering over your words as you served people in front of them, somehow every time you looked up Matt was looking at you. Not at the counter but almost directly into your eyes, however he did that.

"Tall, dark and handsome and company back again, I never see you guys here" the need for you to fill awkward silence with your words made Matt laugh your sentence fast and erratic.

"Not calling me long black anymore?" Matt spoke softly before Foggy interrupted your answer.

"AND COMPANY? how dare you..." He glared at you but you knew exactly how to fix it. You waved Foggy in to lean closer to you, before grabbing his arm and making him hold out his hand.

"can't have the boss man knowing who I give the contraband too, company isn't suspicious" when foggy opened the bag you though he'd pass out his eyes got so wide. Before recognising the confusion on Matts face.

"Okay for the sightless, it's a cupcake that's iced like a frog but has long blonde hair, like tall, light and handsome over here" Foggy was over the moon and if you weren't planning that for weeks for him to have then you might've thought the reaction was a bit much.

"I don't know how well they'd sell here, I think people would be very confused" Matt laughed still somehow making eye contact with you. The blush in your cheeks evident. You were very sure Foggy would let Matt how you were reacting once they left.

"I actually iced it myself and by that I mean I bought pre iced frog cupcakes and then gave it hair, It took forever and I have one for Murdock too" you reached under the counter the way this would go down was either very well or they'd find a new coffee shop. You gave the bag to Matt and he opened it before raising his head to yours.

"I hope you didn't think I'd be able to tell what it is" he smirked up at you.

"Dear, dear Matt. Surely you know better then anyone this is for Foggy and I's entertainment." at that he chuckled lightly a sound you might've missed if you weren't so focused on it. Foggy glanced into the bag and laughed loudly.

"This one take you forever too" he was holding on to Matts shoulder laughing as you lent over to tell Matt what is was.

"Its a frog cupcake but I took off its eyes" He actually laughed at that much to your relief, he turned his head so his cheek was almost touching yours and there was that smell again. You drew it in deep into your lungs hoping he wouldn't hear you, the way you leaned back at the same time was an attempt to cover it. It was airconditioned in this shop so you weren't sweating and you hadn't used the cinnamon yet today. But there was that smell, cinnamon, coffee and that musk. The same the strange man from the shadows smelled like.

Matt's body stiffened and you glanced down at his hands clinging to the cane, this knuckled were bruised on one hand and his forearms were muscular. There's no way a blind man could backflip onto a roof from another roof, unless your life was a lie. Slightly distracted the boys said there goodbyes and left and the work day drew to a close.

When you left work later that night, Matt was sitting outside on the park chair. You took it as nothing and just started walking home but he stood.

"It's rude to ignore a Blind man, how am I supposed to know you're there" He laughed his mouth tight in a smile.

"I'm not sure but you did, unless every time you heard a noise you stood and said that line" He laughed at that as he approached you. Your hand reached to touch his arm as he got close enough so he knew you were there. Did you really have to do that, or did he know where you were.

"Tell me, do you make it a habit to flirt with all your customers? or is it just the ones that get Long Blacks?" you both started walking down the footpath in the direction of your house.

"Actually, you were the first customer that even made eye contact with and I am aware how ironic that sounds. How do you do that anyway? know where my eyes are?" you slid his arm against yours and you helped him walk in a straight line.

"I listen for your voice and I know eyes are above mouths so with a bit of practise... I get it right maybe 4 out of 10 times" he laughed and kept his head forward.

"Why do I get the pleasure of being escorted home this evening?" you asked him letting him as you guys continued walking down the foot path.

"I heard about your encounter with the guy and the gun and the alley so I thought you'd need someone super intimidating to walk you home." Matt made light of the situation, but you were increasingly suspicious. How would he have heard you'd only told you co-worker this afternoon, maybe he over heard.

"how'd you know about that? I haven't really told anyone..." you turned to him, watching his face hoping for a sign he was caught but there never was one. He just shrugged and kept walking.

"Blind remember, I have excellent hearing" your brain was running wild but you could still smell him now that you were close. He smelt the same as the masked figure and his hand on yours had scaring across the knuckles.

"Mmmm sure, I bet that's what you tell all the ladies" you chose to drop it. I mean it is a huge stretch to assume the blind man that doubles as a lawyer was jumping across rooftops and dodging bullets at night. But there was something with the ease that he walked and mapped out areas that made you a little suspicious, stranger things have happened.

"I'm a block away from home Matt I'll be fine to go the rest of the way on my own. It's a little out of the way." You wanted to get out of the chocolate powder covered apron and put on your comfy pants.

"It would be incredibly ungentlemanly of me to leave you here" he held you forearm a little tighter and when you stopped at your buildings stairs and stopped so did he.

"Thank you for walking me home tall, dark and handsome" you smirked and let his arm slide off of yours before walking backwards. His face lifted from the floor and a smirk spread across his face.

"Night y/n" his voice was low and you could imagine how his body would rumble when he said it, it made you slightly light headed.

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