Taylor Swift Dies

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[If you actually shipped Haylor I hope you are offended by this fanfic]

Harry's POV

"Omg Harry I can't wait until we get married and have children, I love you so much", Taylor babbled on. Little did she know I was planning her death. 'Taylor, babe [ew] do you want to go on a ride", I asked, smirking slightly. "Of course haz", she replied in her annoying voice. Oh god. Oh how I wish she was dead. We got in the car and I told her to zip up her seatbelt, not that it'll protect her from anything. Ha. "We're going camping", I told her. "Oh okay this is going to be so cool, just me and you.", she said. "Uh-huh yeah, me and you.", I replied. We got out the car and I grabbed my picnic bag with "food" in it. I feel evil. AHAHAH. Back on topic. She strutted out of the car as the tissues began coming out of her bra. Isn't it obvious she stuffs? I shook my head laying out a blanket. She sat down and I handed her a special apple. "Eat this apple Taylor, for me?", I asked sweetly. [Mentally gagging]  She took a bite. "Oh my stomach hurts, oh well", she said. I smirked as she collapsed on the floor. I wanted more. I grabbed my pocket-knife and stabbed her repeatedly. I grabbed a garbadge bag and shoved her in it. I walked a few miles into the woods and dropped her. I ran back to my car, picking up the evidence, and last memories of Taylor Swift.  Bye. So long. We are never ever ever getting back together. [Literally]

Ok, I know this may be going too far, but this is for entertainment purposes only. Don't send me hate if you don't like it just ignore it. Thank you.

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