Robots and lies

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You heard Dream walk away, then heard the soft padding of Patches' following behind. Then you heard Alex and Illyria leave.
'Hm. Not even a goodbye?' You thought jokingly, giggling slightly after. After moving away from the wall, you looked around the room. There were a couple of extremely dusty shelves with spider webs across the corners. You shivered and crept out the room. All you could think about was what you had just heard.
What were they going to say when they got cut off? What did they mean? Is this place really like they tell me? Or is this all a dream.
'I wonder how many other people are here that I haven't met...' You thought, 'This place is massive, there's surely loads. But I can't trust them now. What Illyria and Alex said about their job being to gain our trust, was that true?'
You may have decided if it was or not, but those thoughts ended there. You had bumped into someone.
'Sorry.' You mumbled, not really paying attention.
'It's fine.' A man's voice said.
You looked up. There stood two men, one infront of you and one to his left. The man you had bumped into wore a suit and a blue beanie. He seemed to to have a massive scar down the side of his face, revealing some of his teeth where it had left a gap. The other man was taller than the other and was covered with what seemed to be.. slime?
'I should be saying sorry too, I wasn't paying any attention.' The man with the beanie smiled. He laughed slightly and put his hand on your shoulder.
'I might as well introduce myself now we're here, i'm Quackity and this is Slimecicle otherwise known as Charlie.' He gestured towards the other man with his free hand.
'I'm Y/N.' You smiled, hoping he couldn't see how anxious you were. You didn't trust these people much anyway but after speaking to Illyria and Alex you knew you shouldn't at all.
The man took his hand off your shoulder.
'Nice to meet you Y/N.' He nodded.
'Nice to meet you too..' You muttered.
He grinned.
'We'll be leaving now but if you'd like to earn some money, you may consider stopping by my room some time.'
You didn't know how he expected you to find it but you just nodded anyway.
Then, he handed you a business card and left. Without looking at it, you shoved it in your pocket and continued walking. You could finally continue your previous thoughts.

'I wonder what else they said while I had that... vision. Why did I even see that in the first place?
If only you remembered what you had asked yourself before bumping into Quackity and Slimecicle, maybe then you would have thought of a proper answer.
Your thoughts were cut off once again by someone calling your name.
'Y/N! Y/N! Hey, it's me Jeremy from earlier. Sorry I didn't talk much, I'd just got to a good bit in this 'fnaf' book that one of the vic- someone gave me.'
'Oh hey Jeremy.' You smiled, 'It's fine.'
It was only now that you realised just how many of Dream's friend seemed to be more on your side than his.
'Me and Lilly are going to hangout if you wanna join!' He said.
You nearly said yes but stopped yourself. Should you really go? What if something happened. But if you did go you could try to get more information. In the end you went with your original statement and agreed.
'Great!' Jeremy said, before leading you to his room. You looked around again. It had  a small lamp on the ground next to a cushion and there was a bookshelf on the far wall. Soon after you entered you saw Lilly walk in too.
'Hi Y/N, Jeremy!' She smiled.
'Hello.' Jeremy replied.
They looked to you.
'Hi.' You said.
You decided it would be a good time to ask them some questions, as good of a time it could get for now at least.
'I don't suppose you guys know anything about why I'm here do you?'
Jeremy and Lilly shared a seemingly nervous glance before Jeremy looked back at you and said,
'You were being chased so Dream helped you didn't he?'
'Well yeah, but...' you trailed off, you wanted to figure out the full truth but didn't want them to know how much you knew, 'Yeah, that's right. I forgot.'
Jeremy smiled and began talking, mostly about his newfound love for fnaf, again.

Around an hour later you decided to leave either to explore once again or to find Illyria and Alex.
'I'm going to go now.' You explained, 'Cya.'
'Bye.' Jeremy and Lilly said in unison.
You nodded and left.
'Back to this.' You thought.
It didn't take too long to find Alex and Illyria. You were walking down one of who knows how many corridors when a door opened and someone looked out.
'Y/N!' Alex smiled.
'Hm?' You turned to him, 'Oh, Alex!'
You ran over. He led you into the room. It had dark grey walls and a wooden bookcase against one. A dusty guitar was hung on the other wall beside. There was also an old bed in one corner on which Illyria was sat.
'You play guitar?' You asked him.
'We'll uh- Yeah sometimes.' He replied.
'Y'Know you remind me a lot of one of my brothers, Wilbur.' You mentioned, 'With the jacket and guitar and stuff.'
'Oh really?' Alex said.
'Yeah.' You smiled, thinking about your brother.

'Well uh, if you couldn't tell, this is my room.' Alex said, 'And Illyria decided she just had to hangout with me since she loves me so much.'
'Ew, no I do-' Illyria began.
'She does.' Alex chuckled.
'Anyway, sit down.' He gestured towards the bed.
You sat down and Alex quietly closed the door and walked back over.
'I was thinking about what you said earlier,' You started, unsure where this conversation would go, 'And I wanted to know more.'
It was at that moment that you remembered, Dream had wanted the two to speak to him in his office but you decided to ask about that later.
'Anything specific?' Illyria asked.
'Well first of all, why do you stay here? Why don't you ever leave this place? Well I'm guessing you don't leave atleast.' You began, off your original topic but you suddenly wondered.
'Well,' Illyria began as she thought carefully about her answer, 'He in a way... saved most of us. A lot didn't have the best lives before this and he took us in, let us stay with him as friends.'
'But isn't he just using you?' You exclaimed.
'You could say that but it still doesn't change the fact he helped us in some of our darkest times so it seems only fair that we help him too.' Illyria said.
'By convincing innocent people to trust you then letting him k1ll them off?' You spoke more as a statement than a question, 'What next, turning them into robots or something?'
"Well..Some of them, Sapnap, George and Bad like to experiment." Alex began, "You know that robot you saw earlier, Melanie?"
Seeing the look on your face, he knew he didn't have to continue.
'Want to see the others?' Illyria asked.
You didn't reply.
'Come on!' She said, grabbing your arm and pulling you up.
Alex walked over to the door and opened it again.
'Ladies (and ___ if you're another gender) first.' He joked.
You hesitated. Illyria led you outside and Alex once again closed the door.
The two led you through the corridors.
You knew they had been here for a while, probably years even, but you were surprised they knew their way around. To you it seemed never ending, perhaps it was. You also knew you probably weren't ready for what you were about to see next, you just didn't realise how unready.
You finally arrived where you were heading and went in.

You looked around, right next to the door you saw Malorie. Seeing her now you just felt sick to the stomach. There were so many and you hated to believe they all used to be living people with friends and families yet now hadn't the tiniest bit of humanity left. You walked through the room trying to ignore the horrifying tale of these 'robots'. The room was pretty narrow with the robots against the wall, one facing another. You looked over to Alex and Illyria, the idea of turning people into this seemed completely normal to them. You walked further into the room until one robot nearby Alex and Illyria caught your attention from the corner of your eye. It had blonde hair and blue eyes. You turned to look at it and nearly threw up when you realised who you recognised it as.
'Tommy!?' You shouted in shock as a tear rolled down your cheek. You put a hand over your mouth. Alex and Illyria turned to you, realising what had happened.
'Y/N-' Alex began.
'So he really is dead...' You cut him off.
'I'm sorry.' He said.
Seeing your own brother dead and turned into something inhuman terrified you and it was worse knowing that your next. You just stared at Tommy, unable to look away as much as you wanted to. Needed to. Alex looked at you but you wouldn't look back.
He put his hand on your shoulder but you pushed him away and screamed,
And ran away.

Word count: 1603
Finished: 15/5/22
Edited: 26/6/22, 2/9/22
Hi hi :) Hope you enjoyed!

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