A strange encounter

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You could hear footsteps behind you. Your pace quickened as you ran, not knowing where you were heading. You didn't know who it was, all you knew was that you needed to get away. You came across a door that you had never seen before. You looked behind you and without thinking you ran inside, frantically trying to close the door behind you as quick as possible. You stood sighing, you decided it should be safe in here. You looked around, it seemed to be some kind of office, the lights were dim and flickering on and off, the curtains flying frantically in the breeze coming from the open window. A desk stood in the middle of the room and papers were scattered across the desk and ground. A pot of dark blue ink was spilled and dripping onto the cold floor. You slowly stepped towards the desk, curiosity taking over you. There was a screwed up piece of paper sitting there. Still unsure of what was going on, you decided to pick it up and read it. It was just a piece of paper, nothing could happen right? It seemed to be a letter. There was no name to indicate who it was from. And parts of it were unreadable due to blotches of dark ink. You set it back onto the desk and slowly turned back around to face the door, but now a dark silhouette stood there in the way of it, causing you to jump. You stumbled back, bumping into the desk as you did so.
'Hello Y/N.' The figure said.
You didn't reply.
How did they know your name? Who even were they?
They turned away from the door to face you. They were wearing a pale mask, on which a smiling face was painted across, a dark green hoodie and black trousers. You figured they must be a male.
'I said hello, did you hear me?.' They quizzed.
'Who are you?' You asked, unsure of what else to say.
'You can call me Dream.' The man said, 'Welcome to my office.'
'How did you know my name?' You asked, sceptical on whether you should even be speaking to them in the first place, but what else could you do.
'I'm an old.. friend of your brother Tommy.' Dream told you.
'Oh, well uh, nice to meet you then I guess?' You said surprised, still not trusting them.
Tommy was your brother, older than you by a couple of months. He had gone missing a couple of years back and you hadn't seen him since.
'Well then-,' You begin, not knowing how to phrase your next sentence, 'There's other people in this building, I don't know who they are but they were chasing me.'
You began to panic again at the thought.
Dream looked down, seeming to be in deep thought. He then looked back at you and smiled, although you couldn't see that, you could tell from the tone of his voice.
'Oh, don't worry about them, they can't bother you in here.'
You sighed in relief.
'That's good..' You muttered.
'So, what brings you to the building anyway?' Dream asked as he sat at his desk.
'I ran in here to hide from some people chasing me. I thought it was abandoned but I guess not.' You said.
'Right...' Dream muttered.
He moved his hand and another chair suddenly appeared opposite him out of nowhere. He gestured for you to sit down. You sit down, shocked at what just happened. Were you just tired? Was the chair there the whole time? You weren't sure.
Word count: 603
Finished: ??/12/21
Edited/re written: 12/2/22
That's it for this chapter, hope you enjoyed!
- Midnight

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