Strike of a blade

16 3 1

'What just happened-..?' You ask.
'Oh, nothing.' Dream said, waving his arm as if to dismiss what just happened.
'Well..' You hesitate, 'Okay then.'
A sudden crash was heard outside the room.
'Hold on Y/N.' Dream said, glaring in the direction of the door, 'I'll be back..'
Before you could answer, Dream left the room, closing the door behind himself, leaving you alone in the office. You could hear voices arguing in the corridor and someone drawing a blade. Then there was a sudden silence and footsteps walking towards the door. Dream came in and sat back in his chair.
'Sorry about that, I had to speak to one of my friends.' Dream said calmly.
'Okay..' You replied, knowing that wasn't the truth and something much more brutal had just happened.
You both spoke for a while before Dream stood up.
'You can explore if you like.' He smiled.
You nodded and stood up.
'If you need me, just come back to the office.' Dream said.
You nodded, although you didn't expect to be able to get back, since you'd probably get lost.
Dream clicked his fingers, causing the chair you had formerly been sitting in to disappear, then he walked to the door and opened it.
You left the room and he closed the door behind you. The corridor was dark, due to the lights not working well. You had walked for what had felt like hours before you came to a point where the corridor could continue on forward or go left or right. Which way should you go? What would be the best choice?
Word count: 268
Finished: ??/12/21
Edited: 12/2/22
Sorry it's short. Comment which way you want to go!

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