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"I'm sorry" said Namjoon, shaking his head slowly. "I've never heard anything similar to this."

Hoseok sighed. It was a long shot, but he somehow believed that Namjoon would have a solution.
He had spent three hundred and fifty years trying to free Yoongi in vain. Not only was he tired, but he sometimes found himself feeling hopeless.

He had tried everything, from reading every single page that might contain a clue to traveling around the whole word to find someone who would be able to free him.

"I don't know how to get him out of this right now, but maybe we can discover that by learning how he was turned in the first place" said Namjoon.
"Thing is I don't know..." replied Hoseok, in a low voice.

Namjoon zoned out, focused on his train of thoughts.
Hoseok tried remembering more details about that night. He usually didn't, it was too painful.

But Namjoon is right, there might be a clue there.

However, it was basically what Hoseok had already told.
The square, even though it looked different back then, Yoongi and him.

"Do you think it's a curse?" asked Namjoon.
"Immortals don't get sick, so I think it's pretty plausible" confirmed Hoseok. "Actually I don't know whats else it could be. I didn't even believe in curses before this."
"I've been thinking about the moment he turned" added Namjoon. "What did you say exactly?"

Hoseok froze.

"I, uh, I said I lo-" tried Hoseok, unable to finish his sentence.

Namjoon frowned, confused by Hoseok's inner turmoil.

"I only said these words once. And it was that day" explained Hoseok in a whisper. "After he turned to stone, I never said them anymore."

Namjoon nodded. Hoseok could feel he had thought about something, yet he didn't seem inclined to reveal it just yet.

"What if..." he slowly said. "What if Yoongi turned because you said I love you?"


Hoseok's mind was numb from all his thoughts. Namjoon's question kept resonating in him like an echo.

Who could have cursed Yoongi?
He was always so peaceful. Or simply minding his own business.

"Hyung?" Jungwon's voice asked behind Hoseok. "Your glass is overflowing."

Hoseok finally snapped back into reality. He closed the faucet and brought the dripping glass of water to his lips. He forced himself to drink a bit, knowing that Jungwon would question him in about two seconds.

"Are you okay?" asked Jungwon.


"I'm just a little upset" said Hoseok, taking another sip.

He didn't know yet to which extent he would want to open up to his younger brother. It was a delicate subject. Jungwon had also been affected by Yoongi's absence.

At least he doesn't know about the truth. He doesn't know Yoongi is trapped.

"Wanna talk about it?" asked Jungwon.
"It was Yoongi's birthday yesterday" simply replied the older brother.
"Oh" commented Jungwon. "I didn't know."

Jungwon let silence follow. He seemed a bit nervous and he kept moving his hands around.

"Can I ask you something?" he finally said.

Hoseok nodded, inviting him to go.

"How does it feel?" he asked.
"How does what feel?" asked Hoseok back.
"Loosing someone important to you" added Jungwon.

Is this about Jay?

"I don't really know how to describe it" started Hoseok. "I met Yoongi such a long time ago. We had promised to stay together forever. But since he... since he's gone, well..."

Hoseok blinked several times.

"It's like I'm a shadow of the person I was" he added.

Jungwon frowned.

"I don't want to be the kind of person that lives through someone else, that's not what I mean. I mean that... Yoongi is my soulmate, and his absence is a constant pain in my chest. His absence is a constant reminder of my guilt. All my memories of us seem colorless now" he continued, his voice not louder than a whisper.

"I think the worst part is not knowing why he's gone" said Hoseok.
"You do still have me" said Jungwon, trying to offer a comforting smile.
"Of course I have you Won!" said Hoseok. "Plus I know how difficult it has been for you as well."
"Yeah" whispered Jungwon.

"Why did you ask me that?" finally said Hoseok. "Is this about Jay?"

Jungwon's expression changed. Hoseok had pulled a thread.

"I think I'm falling for him. But..." started Jungwon.
"He's human" ended Hoseok.

This time, Hoseok let silence follow his words.

"I'm sorry Won" he said, taking Jungwon's hand in his. "But that doesn't mean you two can't walk together for a while."
"You think so?" asked Jungwon.
"I have rarely seen you like that. You seem more lighthearted and happy than I have ever seen! No one knows how a story ends, but does it mean it's not worth reading it?" asked Hoseok.

"How can you do it?" mumbled Jungwon. "How can you share how miserable you feel because of heartbreak and a second later encourage me to follow my heart?"
"Well... you're my brother, Won" said Hoseok. "My misery has nothing to do with you. It's not because I lost the love of my life that I don't want you to find yours! On the contrary, I want you to be happy."

Weirdly, Jungwon simply frowned.

"You are... incredible" mumbled Jungwon lost in his thoughts.
"It's just normal" replied Hoseok, disagreeing.

"I think that in this case, other people in your situation would have been.. I don't know, jealous?" asked Jungwon.
"Hopefully I'm not like that!" laughed Hoseok.

Jungwon chuckled as well, he seemed lost in his thoughts.

"I know it's a lot to process, but I'm sure that you'll figure it out with Jay" said Hoseok. "How was your date with him by the way?"
"I was amazing!" replied Jungwon, suddenly gifted with heart eyes.


Hoseok was laying in bed, unable to sleep. Not only his talk with Namjoon was still being processed, however, now he had the one with Jungwon on top of it.

What if both of them are right?
What if someone cursed Yoongi out of jealousy?

The Statue - Yoongseok FFWhere stories live. Discover now