Burger and Sprite

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Hoseok sighed.

In a few minutes, he and his brother will have arrived.

He hadn't been in the city for a while, but he easily recognized the roads their bus drove through. In fact, he remembered them extremely well.

"Should we go home directly or do you want to eat something first?" asked Jungwon, smiling at him.
"Are you hungry?" asked Hoseok, looking at Jungwon's cat like expression.
"I could eat" replied Jungwon, not really answering.
"I could go for burgers and sprite" replied Hoseok, smiling back.

One of the great joys of his life was food. One of the advantages of the city was the infinite choice of restaurants. Hoseok also felt like today should be a celebration. They were starting a new phase after all.

"That works!" said Jungwon happily. "But you should cut back your consommation of sprite a bit, Hyung."
"I don't hear you" said Hoseok, fainting to have audition troubles.

Jungwon just laughed. It made him feel a bit better. He was feeling anxious because he knew how much pain coming back here meant for his older brother.

He needed to be there for him.


The bus stopped in the center of the city. Jungwon had suggested they could get out of it before or after this specific stop, but Hoseok had refused.

"You know I need to see him" he said.

Jungwon nodded. He had to respect his brother's wish.

"I owe it to you" whispered Hoseok to himself, unaware that his brother had heard him.

They stepped outside of the bus, which soon drove away. Hoseok and Jungwon found themselves on the sidewalk of a busy street. In front of them, a lot of people hurried through the town square. No one seemed to notice nor care about the beautiful statue in the center of it. At most, Hoseok saw two teenagers sitting on the statue's feet.

He sighed.

How could they know?

Nonetheless, he walked towards it, closely followed by Jungwon. Hoseok started walking faster and faster without even noticing it. He needed to reach the statue. Now.

After what seemed an eternity, Hoseok had his hand against the cold and inanimate stone. His heart sank deeply as he looked up.

It was a statue of a young man. He was standing up, arms on each side of his body. His eyes were closed, and he had a peaceful expression on his face, as if he would be falling asleep in the next minute.
As it happened every time Hoseok came here, he felt overwhelmed. The young man was extremely handsome, even more than Hoseok could remember.

Hi there

Hoseok smiled at how silly he was being. He knew the statue couldn't hear him. However he needed to talk to him, even if it was only in his thoughts.

It's been a while, I'm sorry.

"Hyung" called Jungwon.

Hoseok had heard him, but in a muffled voice. As if Jungwon was in a room next to him, which was obviously impossible.

I'm moving back here with Jungwon by the way!

"Hyung" called Jungwon once more, this time patting his arm.

Hoseok looked at him, a little upset.

"Hum?" he asked, still not ready to speak.
"It's been a while" whispered Jungwon. "People are watching."

Hoseok frowned. He didn't care. He wanted to stay here. People could say whatever they wanted. That didn't affect him in any way.
Couldn't someone just stand in front of a statue, a hand on it?

"And I'm kind of hungry" added Jungwon, with a small voice.
"Okay" sighed Hoseok.

He took his hand back, instantly missing the cold touch of the statue.

"There's a burger place right there" said Jungwon, catching his brother's attention.

Hoseok followed Jungwon's finger until his eyes saw the cheerful burger place. It was on the right side of the square, so if they sat by the window, Hoseok would probably be able to see the statue.

"Perfect" he confirmed.

The both of them walked towards it. Hoseok instantly recognized the feeling that hit him. It was the exact same feeling he felt every time he walked away from the statue.

The feeling of leaving his heart behind.


"Here are your cheeseburgers" announced the waitress as she delicately placed the plates in front of them. "Enjoy!"

She walked away before they could even thank her. Hoseok couldn't help but feel sad at the fact that she had given them a table in the middle of the restaurant.

Get over it.

"So, everything okay for High School tomorrow?" asked Hoseok, munching on his first fries.
"Sure" replied Jungwon. "Nothing too new."
"I know" replied Hoseok. "Trust me, I feel the same."
"At least you can choose a different degree every time" said Jungwon. "I'm stuck in the last year of High School again."

Hoseok sighed. They had already talked about it several times.

"It's only one year, then you'll be able to join university as well" he explained for the thousandth time.
"I know, I know" mumbled Jungwon.

They didn't talk much more for the rest of their meal. Hoseok was busy thinking about what would be next. After a while, he glanced at Jungwon. The latter seemed deep in his thoughts as well.

"Ready to go home?" asked Hoseok, smiling gently at his brother.
"Absolutely" replied Jungwon. "Where is it again?"
"I bought an apartment in the center. It shouldn't be too far from here" said Hoseok.
"You wanted to be close to the statue?" asked Jungwon.

A shiver spread through Hoseok's body. He hated when Jungwon said it like that.

But he doesn't know, I can't be mad at him.
At least I should try not to show that I am mad at him.

"Actually I chose it because it is close to your High School and close to my university" stated Hoseok.
"Sure, sure" replied Jungwon in a low voice.

Hoseok paid for their meal and they headed out.
The square was less crowded now.
A light breeze passed through them as Hoseok admired the statue once more.

This time I won't fail you.
This time I will find a way to free you.
Please wait for me, Yoongi.

The Statue - Yoongseok FFWhere stories live. Discover now