Saturday morning

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"Hoseok? Where are you?"

The voice was familiar. Hoseok turned around, trying to determine where it came from. 
The voice was distant and low, like an echo from the past.


The latter tried walking towards the voice, however a heavy fog kept him from moving or seeing anything.

"Who are you?" asked Hoseok.

The voice didn't answer him. Instead, Hoseok heard cries from afar.

Suddenly, something clicked and Hoseok was able to move his body again. He started to run towards the cries, however his legs became heavier at each step he took.

"Who are you?" repeated Hoseok desperately.

Eventually, Hoseok found himself too tired to continue. He heavily fell down on his knees, with a loud sound.
He felt the coldness of the ground under his scraped knees.
He wanted to stand back up, but somehow it felt impossible.


The voice was just a bit louder now.

"Please, come here" asked Hoseok, unable to reach the voice himself.

All of the sudden, the heavy fog disappeared, unveiling something right in front of Hoseok.

A statue.

Tears filled Hoseok eyes.

"Yoongi" he whispered, before it all became black again.


Once more, Hoseok woke up extremely upset. He had been having the exact same dream every night, which emotionally drained him.
The first semester was close to an end and he still hadn't any ideas on how to save Yoongi.

With each passing day, Hoseok grew impatient and irritated. Usually, he hid it well, however it sometimes became too much to bear. He had already taken it out on Namjoon and Jungwon once. After having apologized several times, he had decided he should be even more careful. They didn't deserve to be treated badly because of his misfortune after all.

Hoseok got dressed and left his room, the foggy dream about Yoongi still haunting him.

"Morning" greeted Jungwon from inside the kitchen.

His voice was cheerful and happy, the exact opposite of his older brother's mood this morning.

Hoseok sighed.

It's not Jungwon's fault if your soulmate isn't with you, don't take it out on him.
Make an effort. 

"Morning Won" he said, forcing himself to smile.
"Are you okay?" asked the youngest, frowning.
"Hum... had a nightmare" he simply replied, not wanting to explain the details.
"It'll pass" replied Jungwon.

No it won't.

Unconscious of Hoseok's situation, Jungwon said things like that quite often. The older brother knew he meant no harm, however it hurt him nonetheless.

Of course it won't pass. Not until I free Yoongi.

Sometimes, Hoseok wanted to tell the whole story to Jungwon. The younger knew some parts of it:
He knew that Yoongi and Hoseok had met a long time ago. They had become friends and a couple of centuries later, the had realized that there was more to their friendship. However, Yoongi had disappeared and Hoseok had decided to honor his memory by building a statue for him. Every once in a while, Hoseok came back to the city to honor Yoongi's memory.

That was the version of the story that Jungwon had been told.

It wasn't the real truth, though.

Hoseok shook his head. This didn't concern Jungwon. He had had a difficult life and Hoseok had sworn to himself that he would protect Jungwon at all costs.
This also meant that he had decided to carry his emotional burden alone.

"What are your plans today?" asked Jungwon with a gentle smile.
"Remember that creative writing assignment I had at the beginning of the year?" asked Hoseok.

Jungwon hummed a yes while pouring some juice in his glass.

"It's due next week" added Hoseok. "I'll read the whole thing from the start to see if it checks and correct it if needed."
"So... you're doing homework on a Saturday?" asked Jungwon. "That's kind of boring, isn't it?"
"Are your plans any better then?" asked Hoseok in a chuckle.

Jungwon took a sip of juice before answering.

"I'm going on a date" he said, pausing dramatically, waiting for Hoseok's reaction.

Now, Hoseok could have been upset, jealous or even angry that Jungwon had a date. Some would have focused on the injustice of Jungwon having something happening in the love department of his life when Hoseok was trapped far away from his own.
However, Hoseok wasn't like that. As soon as Jungwon announced he had a date, his beautiful smile was back on. His heart did little jumps from happiness.

In fact, after all this time, knowing that Jungwon had found someone he liked was a genuine cause for celebration.

"Is it with Jay?" asked Hoseok, clapping.
"How did you know it's Jay?" asked Jungwon, surprised.
"I remember you talking about your chemistry partner" explained Hoseok, proud of himself.

And also because Namjoon told me you had a crush on someone.

Jungwon sat down next to Hoseok. He looked extremely cute and excited about this date. Hoseok asked him all the details. He was very curious, but mostly very overwhelmed.
He had waited almost six months for Jungwon to be ready to reveal this.

"I think you'll like him Hyung" started Jungwon. "He likes to cook, and to dance."
"To dance?" asked Hoseok, already liking the guy.
"Yes!" added Jungwon.
"How asked whom on the date?" asked Hoseok.
"He did" said Jungwon, getting a little blush on his round cheeks.

Hoseok nodded, extremely happy for Jungwon. He could see how cheerful the latter was. In fact, his smile was contagious.

"Where is he taking you?" asked Hoseok, eager to have more details.
"Shopping at first, then I think we'll grab something to eat" explained Jungwon. "He likes fashion very much."
"Say no more" added Hoseok. "You were right, I like him."
"I haven't even said enough for you to decide if you like him or not!" said Jungwon laughing.

"Maybe, but the smile you have when you talk about him is enough to decide" replied Hoseok, smiling as well.


"I'm going" said Jungwon, opening the front door.

Hoseok turned himself from his computer  to wave at his brother.

"Have fun!" he said.

After hearing the sound of the door being closed, Hoseok faced his computer. A deep sigh left his mouth as he started to read the first words of his own love story.

The Statue - Yoongseok FFWhere stories live. Discover now