💤🤕The Dream and Old Memories🤕💤

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Walking into The Great Hall, Harry was brought by the loud voices of the students. Once him and Ron were sat down Hermione started talking to him, but he wasn't really listening. He was just picking at his food, not feeling hungry nor having the strength to eat anything at the moment.

He sighed as he reached for his cup of pumpkin juice, taking afew sips he set it down. Looking around the hall he looked up at the Teachers and staffs table, looking over he saw Gilderoy. But immediately looked away, not noticing a certain wizard locking his eyes on him curiously.


As Dumbledore was done talking to Minerva he noticed A certain brunette looking up at them. Turning away immediately..... Curious...
But he shook it off, his immediate reaction reminded him of someone. But he couldn't get himself to think about that someone, since he left to go on the wrong path.

..... He missed him, he was just a little boy who seeked friends. And people who wouldn't hit him or call him a demon. Or freak when he had an extraordinary gift of magic. That person was....

Tom Marvolo Riddle.



Harry was interrupted by a sound...it sounded like a snake hissing but... It was saying stuff. Was he the only one here who heard this? He looked around seeing no one in the hall. Weird...he then looked around the hall... Seeing something in the dark..... Two dots surrounding its face...

Then it's eyes opened.... Bright....Yellow....eyes..... They looked terrifying....poisonous like they could cut through anything. His eyes widened then everything turned


Beep.... Beep..... Beep.... Beep......

His emerald green eyes opened, blinking abit he looked around.. He was in The Hospital Wing. Looking down he saw that he was in his pajamas, with a blanket around him. Sitting up the blanket fell down abit, looking over he saw a heart monitor. The sound of the steady beeps were kind of annoying but calming in a weird way.

He felt his head and realized he had a bandage on it, but... Feeling his hair... A.... There was one long strand and it was.....

White. But not just any.... It was a type of silvery blonde. Nothing like Draco Malfoys hair. More like..... He honestly had no clue. But he also had ginger highlights in his brown hair-

Someone walked into the room

"Ah Harry, it's good to see you're awake and ok" Dumbledore smiled slightly, "Oh.. Hi Sir, may I ask.... Uh what happened?" he asked looking up at him, putting his hand down from his head/hair.

"Well you-" when he saw Harry's face his eyes widened....he instantly remembered a boy who was around his age when he was younger. He was blonde... And he had.. Mismatch EYES!

Harry's right eye was an icy blue colour and his other one was still green. Oh god.... This frightened Albus, but he had to act as it there was nothing wrong.
"Well you fainted in The Great Hall and hit your head on the table, which is what caused your head injury". He gestured to Harry's head where the bandages were wrapped tightly around.

"Oh... " Harry mumbled.

"But don't worry, you haven't had any damage to your brain or memories according to Madame Pomfrey. So you should be fine in the next few hours, or tomorrow. Due to headaches of course".
Albus assured him.


Now sitting in his office he looked at his paperwork, he hadn't seen that icy Blue eye in a long time.... Maybe he should take a look into the past.
He stood up and walked over to his private memories that he'd hidden, the one that he now had in his shaky hands was.

The Summer Of 1899


Word Count:633

Hey Guys It's La-Lloyd!!

I keep saying this but I'm sorry these updates are getting closer, but if you understand the hidden meanings in this chapter.... There is some SHOCKING SHIT COMING UP IN THE CHAPTERS!( If I don't end up losing motivation ) involving Dumbledores passed /secrets

But I promise there will be good chapters ahead, and maybe a new character that you guys haven't guessed...

Who though?

OH ALSO! Have you guys seen the new Fantastic Beasts Secrets of Dumbledore trailers!? I'm so excited.. But kinda pissed off they replaced Johnny depp😣

Anyway, Bye Ninjas!!


What do you want to happen next!?

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