👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🌾The Weasleys🌾👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

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After their meal the Weasleys got Harry ready to go. "Wait Harry!" Petunia called, standing at the door. Walking over to him she hugged him "Have fun" Harry was completely shocked at her actions, as she has never even wanted to go near him. But Harry just smiled and hugged her back "I will".

Petunia then kissed his forehead and smiled letting him go. "Go on, get out of here" she chuckled leaving Harry shocked once more. "Love you Aunt Petunia " he said as he ran over to the flying car. "Love you too Harry.. ".



As the flying car landed in the garden Harry undid his seatbelt, opened the door and got out of the car.
As they made their way into The Weasley home Harry's eyes sparkled in amazement

"It's not much, but it's home"

Ron mumbled, chewing on a piece of bread
"It's amazing" Harry smiles but fit startled as he heard loud thumps coming down the stairs. A very angry Molly Weasley came into the room
She shouted as the three red heads hid the pieces of bread behind their backs, fear in their eyes.

Then Molly noticed "Harry dear!" she smiled as she made her way over "Time for a spot of breakfast " Harry just nodded with a smile.

As they were having breakfast someone came running down the stairs,

"Mummy, have you seen my jumper?"
It was a young girl, she looked abit worried but Harry thought nothing of it.
"Yes Ginny dear it was on the cat-" Ginny smiled and thanked her mother, but when she looked over and saw the boy with glasses. Her eyes widened and her smile faded, into more of a shocked look.

"H. Hello!"
Harry smiled slightly trying to be friendly, but she then ran back upstairs. He then frowned as the Weasley boys started laughing and snickering.
"W. What did I do?" Harry asked concerned as he looked over to his friend, Ron.

"Ginny, she's been talking about you all summer. Kind of annoying really... " He said looking at Harry and back down at his plate.

"Morning Weasleys!!"


A man entered, he had a hat similar to Dumbledores. But taller.
"Agh, nine raids"

Harry questioned looking at Ron, "Dad works at the Ministry of magic. In the muggles artifacts.. " Harry nodded slightly.
As Arthur sat down and got comfortable, he noticed Harry
"And who might you be?" he asked politely.

Harry looked over and smiled slightly "Oh I'm Harry Sir, Harry Potter".
"Good lord, are you really?" He asked starstruck. Nodding abit Arthur ignored the whole famous part and talked to him like a normal person.

"Well, Ron's told us all about you. Tell me, what is the function of a rubber duck?" he questioned.
Getting confused Harry squinted,
"Oh.. Umm" unable to think of an answer.

He was interrupted by Molly setting the plates on the table, which held their breakfast. Ginny skipped down the stairs, dressed in ordinary clothing. Sitting by Percy as everyone started eating.

Then their next step would be

Diagon Alley...


Word Count: 516

Hey Guys It's La-Lloyd!!

I don't have much to say but this will be the last chapter until after Christmas.
So I'm gonna start posting on Wednesday's so I hope you guys have a good Christmas!!😉😊

Anyway, Bye Ninjas!



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