⭐ Platonic Headcanons + Scenarios ⭐ [Divider+Intro]

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Platonic headcanons below
Requests are ofc open
No limes/smut for minor characters


Felt bad this page had no actual platonic headcanons so here:

For the ones I didn't do any for: Akane, Mei, and Aoi



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• He's pretty chill

• He likes to accompany you to places like cafes and libraries and stores and also walks you home from time to time

• He's pretty supportive and likes to motivate you to keep going either in school or when dealing with personal problems

• You live in the same apartment complex so you often have study "dates" and have a blast just talking and goofing off. 1% of your time together is spent actually studying

• You also help him cook and off topic ur like a wing man/woman for him

• Whenever you're walking together outside and you see a stray cat, you're sitting there for the minutes cooing while Akane stands there waiting, midly annoyed

• Very respectful

• Also would do a pinky promise if you were really adement

• He does his best to hide the fact he's a wonder and tries to protect you from supernaturals as a whole

• I can see him carrying your bags while you're out shopping



[No gif ahhajsjs]


• Lots of teasing and painfully long art lessons or tutorials

• She just likes to share her interests

• Also likes to take up the things you like so you can bond over them together

• Makes bomb ass pancakes and feels honored whenever you make her pancakes

• Occasionally twin outfits

• She likes wind chimes (idk I can just see it) so she gifts you mini ones all the time

• Whenever it's windy outside you're reminded of her

• And vice versa

• She's terrible at studying and helping you, but is determined to at least accompany you to the library or make a playlist for you

• Would be good at making diagrams tho so

• Drags you outside eij the rain to stomp around in puddles and see frogs and worms and yeah ❤️

• Also picks flowers a lot so you both can make flower crowns for each other


Aoi Akane:

She's so slay

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She's so slay


• She likes little shopping trips

• Always tries on clothes but never buys them

• Will compliment you in anything you try on

• Always hypes you up if you need it,, very lovely

• Takes school pretty seriously and likes to study often. She's good at keeping things on track

• Loves to walk to and from school together

• Kinda strays away from cats after one bit her but she doesn't hate them

• Anyways

• Always planning trips for you tow to go in, like the beach, hikes, amusement parks, zoos, etc...

• She's got some issues (iykyk) so she appreciates how you're always there for her to lean on and comfort her

• You made playlists for each other and always listen to them when you're lonely

• Sleepovers very many yes

• You go from doing each other's nails to summoning demons and using the ouija board that she somehow got her hands on

• Friendship bracelets <33

• If you play a sport, she goes to every game to support you and cheers the loudest out of everyone there

• Makes homemade gifts or bakes treats from time to time for you and just leaves them at your door

• Goes to pet shops and looks at all the cute animals with you in her spare time

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