chapter 2

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Mion's POV :

Me and Rena met at our usual spot. "Good morning, Mii-chan!" Rena waved. Then we saw a unfamiliar student with brown hair. I then went up to approach him. "Are you the new kid?" I ask. He nods. "Cool. So your name is Keiichi Maebara, right?" "yeah. What are you two guys names?" He asked. "This is Rena Ryuugu!" I say pointing to her. "And I'm Mion Sonozaki!" "oh, cool." "We should get to class.." Rena mentioned. Soon, we arrive. "You go in first, you're the new kid, afterall." I recommend with a mischievous grin on my fave. Rena glanced at me, knowing what I was doing knowing what'll occur next.

He then opened the door yet tripped on a jump rope. "ohoho!" The little girls laugh started Kei-chan. "AUGH! WAS THIS YOUR DOING?!" "Why yes!" She instantly replies.

That's Satoko Hojo. Her brother, Satoshi Hojo, unknowingly disappeared years ago. She appeared as rude, spoiled and a brat at first to most, but yet she has a very kind heart.


That's Rika Furude. A cute yet quiet girl.

"if it makes you feel better.. Satoko-chan always pranked me with I was new!" Rena says in an attempt to comfort the poor guy. Keiichi looked really embarrassed.

Some time later, it was time to go home, well, for the kids that aren't in our club. "Kei-chan!" I say, grabbing his attention. "We have something for you!" "the hells this about?" He mutters. "Club activities!" Rena giggled. "YOU HEARD ME?!"

We then played and then I asked "So, you wanna join our club, Kei-chan?" "sure.." "cool!" "it's time for me and Satoko to head home, goodbye sirs! It was really fun!" Rika said waving goodbye, along with Satoko. The three of us remaining, we walk back home together. "Well, this is my stop! Cya!" I wave goodbye to Rena and Keiichi.

Keiichi POV

"How was school today, dear? Did you make any new friends?" My mother asked. "School was good, I guess. And I made some friends." I reply. "Oh that's nice! I'm happy for you! But.. why were you home late?" She asks. "Something about club activities..." I reply. "So I may sometimes not be home at the same time." I tell her.

Rena POV

"Almost done.." I mutter to myself. "BOO!" A voice behind me scares. "Ah, oh.. It's just you Satoko-chan!" I try to laugh it off. "And hi, Rika-chan!" "hi rena!" "Rena-san, you do get very scared easily!" She teased, laughing. "Let's continue shopping, Satoko!" We all wave goodbye to eachother.

It then is the next day. I get up and get ready and leave. "oh, morning, keiichi-kun!" I say, waving.

"morning!"  We then get Mion and all have a fun conversation.

Keiichi then bets water doused on his head when he enters the classroom. "dammit.." He mutters, clearly mad. Rika patted his back, not wanting to touch his wet hair. "It's okay, sir!" "rika chan~ you're so kyuteeee!" "Don't even think of taking her home, Rena! kidnapping is a illegal and very serious crime!" Mion protests.

Soon, it's after school and we have club. Then we head home. We waved bye to mion. "keiichi-kun. I- do you wanna go hunt treasure with me!?" I nervously ask. "sure.." "okay! Then let's go!* I head there, guiding him. " hey! It says no trespassing.." He worryingly points out. "I come here all the tine! It's okay!" He looks anxious but steps in.

Later, we find a cute doll. "Ooh!" I grab it. "I'm taking this home~!" I look happy saying. "You're weird, Rena.." He mutters but I hear him and I pout. "I was just kidding.." He says, noticing I heard him. We both then head home.

"found another cute thing, Rena?" My dad asks. I nod. Though it's weird to see my dad look so happy, I don't question it, as seeing him happy makes me happy too!

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