10."Bronwyn that was amazing!!.... Don't ever do it again."

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Y/n's POV•

It wasn't long before we were docking in Blackpool. As Jake, Millard, Emma and I step off the ship, I notice how dull and grey the place looks in this time.

"This can't be it, can it?" Jake says.

"Loop entrances can be anywhere. The one in London is in a Subway tunnel."

"Wait, can we go to London?" I ask, excitedly.

The three other peculiars all turn simultaneously and give me a "really?" look.

"Fine, I'll just go by myself one day."I roll my eyes and head back into the boat.

While Jake, Emma, and Millard go through the loop, I look for Enoch.

I found him very quickly considering he was in the parlor preparing for war.

"Hey, Enoch!"

"Hey, Y/n. As much as I would love to chat with you, right now is not the best time. Can you pass me that?" He said frantically, pointing to a jar on the table.

"Uh sure. I just wanted to tell you to be safe and uh-" I began, getting the jar. But, when I turned around I was face to face with the Scottish boy himself.

We stood there for a moment and as we gradually got closer...and closer... And closer, the door to the parlor creaked open cause me to jump back a little. When I look over to see who it is, I see Olive, fiona, and Hugh in the door. All three smiling, knowingly.

"What is it?" Enoch asks, taking the jar out of my hand and returning to his task while also trying to hide the slight red tint that is now on his face.

"Oh, right! Y/n We need you to make some more snow out there so we can finish the plan." Olive says.

"Of course, I'll be right there." I say.

The three peculiars head back to the loop entrance. As I begin to walk out I look back at Enoch who is already looking at me.

"Be careful." Is all he says.

I smile then turn back around and leave. When I walk inside the loop, my ears are immediately filled with the loud cheers of people and the sound of amusement park rides. I quickly make my way to the roof with the others.

"Ok quick, uh... I need one of you to insult me!" Without hesitation, Olive pops up and says,

"You're weird and short and Enoch will never love you!" She immediately throws her hands over her mouth, eyes wide.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it!" She apologized.

"No no! Keep going, it's working!" I say as I use the new emotions to summon a snow storm.

When we finally have enough snow, I stop and we all crouch behind the wall.

"I SEE THEM, THEY'RE COMING!" Claire whisper/yells.

"It's show time!" I say, getting the snow balls ready.

Jake quickly runs through the loop to tell Enoch that it's time. When you comes back out, he gives us the signal. We all start grabbing snowballs and chucking them at the air, hoping to hit hollows.

The more we threw, the more we were starting to see the four Hollows Infront of us. Man, they are really big!

"Phase two." Hugh said.

That's when we grabbed handfuls of candy and small items to throw. While we continued throwing, Emma and Olive opened the cotton candy machine and Emma blew it onto the Hollows. They were much easier to see now.

~My Anchor~ Enoch O'Conner x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now