1."Clear skies..."

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Being peculiar, for Y/n, was hard growing up. As a kid,she wasn't able to go to school or play with the other children because her mother was afraid that her power would be revealed. So she was homeschooled. She hardly ever left home and frankly, she was ok with that. She didn't want to have to deal with people's reactions to random rain clouds above her head. She lived her life in her own backyard for many years until...

October 12 1992,

Y/n was in her backyard, working on clearing clouds, when she heard her mother screaming from inside the house. She didn't hesitate to run inside to check on her. When she finally reached the room her mom was in, what she saw terrified her.

Her mother was being lifted in the air buy something you couldn't see. All Y/n heard were growling along with the screams from her mom. She didn't quite know what to do. Her peculiarity didn't exactly help in these situations. She then remember that her mom taught her how to protect yourself when she was younger.

"There are people that will try to take your gift away, you can't let those people win." She would say.

Y/n backed out of the room, trying not to draw attention to herself. When she had done so successfully, she ran into the weaponry and grabbed her bow( 🏹) and a few arrows. She tend to be a good shot with these.

She heard a few more screams from her mom then a loud thud. This caused her to panic. She was terrified and her powers were beginning to show it. Thunder rolled from the clouds placed above her head. By the time she made it back into the room with her mother, she was on the floor and she heard something sniffing and slurping somewhere in the room. She took a quick glance at her mother but immediately wished she hadn't. Her mother's eyes were gone from there sockets.

Y/n was no longer confused on what was happening. A Hollowgast just killed her mother. Now, instead of terrified, Y/n was angry. This caused a blizzard to blow chaos throughout the room. The snow made it easier to see the Hollow which gave her an advantage. Her quickly prepare an arrow (1/3) and yell,

"HEY!" Making the Hollow aware of her presence.

It quickly turns it's head towards her and hurries to it's...(feet?) Hungrily. Now that she had it's attention, she drew back her bow and fire the arrow. Crap...she missed!

{An: so much for a good d shot ┐( ∵ )┌}

The Hollow started advancing towards her and she didn't have enough time to prepare another arrow so...she ran. She ran through the house, the Hollow hot on her tail, when she ended up in the back yard. A clear space is Just what she needed.

The Hollow came bursting though the door but Y/n was ready. She fired the arrow(2/3). This time, she hit the leg. Although this did disable it, it wasn't enough to stop it. The Hollow fell onto a knee but quickly recovered. As Y/n turned to run, she realized she had no where else to go. She looked down at her arrows. Only one left, better make it count.

While the Hollow began to slowly close in, tongues out, Y/n summoned some thunder to strike the Hollow. This knocking it back a bit. She took this advantage to raise her bow for the last time and fire, making a direct hit in the head. The Hollow falls down completely. Y/n stands there for a minute to make sure it's actually dead.

Once she was sure that it wasn't getting back up, she ran to the house to find her mother. When she made it to her mother's side, she noticed she was still breathing. Slowly, but breathing. Tears stream down
Y/n's face seeing her mother in this state.

Just as the storm in the room started getting stronger, Y/n heard her mother speak softly,

"It's ok my love. I knew this day would come. I knew that, eventually, he would find me."

"W-who Mama, what are y-you talking about?" You say in-between sobs.

"Listen, I want you to go. Take the map. Find the island. Ms. Peregrine will take care of you."

"No, Mama! I won't leave you!"

"Baby, it's okay. My time is up. You must go before he comes back with more Hollowgasts."

"WHO MAMA, WHO?!"  Y/n was balling her eyes out by now, only making the storm worse.

Her mother could feel the wind picking up and the rain getting harder.

"You have to calm down, Y/n.
Remember,clear skies. Clear skies." She says, trying to calm her daughter down.

"Clear skies..." Y/n repeats, as the storm smoothly transitions into a sprinkle.

As you say those words, she could feel her mother finally slipping into the eternal rest. Letting out a sob, she gets up from the floor and walks out of the room.

With her mother being the only person she knew and loved, she had no where to go. The instructions her mom gave her kept replaying in her head. Her mom always told her about Ms. Peregrine and her home for children like her. But, as she grew older, she just thought it was all a story her mom made to help her feel less different.

Y/n knew what she had to do now, so she grabbed clothes, shoes, and other personal belongings, the map of loops with Ms. Peregrine's circled in red, money from the safe (for travel expenses) and set off to find her new home. A home for peculiar children.

{A/n: I know this was, like, really long, but I feel like backstories are very important in the fanfic business 😌☝🏾. Anywho, the next chapter is gonna be Y/n going to find the home and meeting everyone. We will most definitely be getting into the movie by chapter 3 tho.}

Hope you enjoyed this chapter ❗

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