The Beginning

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It was finally the day of the wedding, and if he had to be honest, Beta probably felt even more nervous than either Charlie or Alpha.

After everything that happened during the bachelor night, everything felt bittersweet between the brothers. He felt loved again, but there was still a sinking feeling that ate away his brain. He was starting to accept that will always be a part of him. It was in his blood. But that did not matter because he had to make sure today would be good for all of the family.

For the first time, he has met Charlie's side of the family, and it was surely interesting. Seeing them made Beta understand more why Charlie took such a risk to move here.

They were crazy.

The only one close to normal was Charlie's twin sister, Clementine. She was actually pretty cool to Beta despite the pastel pink clothes she wore. She showed him pictures of her pet snakes. Not only that, she had a boyfriend that was from Japan.

He remembered stories of how Alpha took Charlie and Clementine to Japan, and how that is how she met him.

The oldest brother, Basset, at first appeared mostly normal - he talked about his job as a chef and his life alone, as well as congratulating Charlie for making it this far. It seemed like the youngest liked him too, he didn't flinch at every move Basset made, and he also laughed at his jokes.

Basset was just a little... Uhm, how could Beta explain it? A little creepy. Besides being a chef he also did taxidermy. Apparently, he did it in the same restaurant he cooked at. It made Beta hesitant to eat the food today.

Not only that, he hoped the detailed jokes with the dead children in his basement were, in fact, jokes. But his vast knowledge of getting rid of human bodies quickly didn't help that fact.

But he was okay overall.

Unlike the other one.

William... Where does Beta even start? He can't imagine living one day together in the same house as him. He always felt bad for him when his brothers and family would describe him as a nutcase but... He really was.

It didn't help that Charlie seemed extremely uncomfortable around him, it was clear, as day, that he only invited William because he had to. Said man was loud, obnoxious - and his jokes clearly were at the expense of Charlie.

Not only was he physically imitating, Beta wouldn't be surprised that he was on steroids.

Poor Charlie.

But the most nerve-wracking part of this day was his stupid 'date'. When he texted the demon, after many days of delaying it, he prayed that Isaac would just say 'fuck you', leave him on read - or better, block him altogether. Instead of that, he just accepted the invitation with a cold 'ok'.

Beta didn't even know what to answer after that. He couldn't say "great!" or "cool!" because it really wasn't. Maybe there was a chance that Isaac would just spend his time trying to hang with Senpai?

But, his twin would be mostly with his new girlfriend. Ugh... He was going to die tonight.

"Beta, I have to say that you look absolutely handsome. I love your new hair." The younger brother's thoughts came to a halt as Alpha looked him up and down. He just stepped out of the stall of the dressing room - the place where the wedding was, had some fancy dressing rooms for couples and their main guest to get ready.

"Did you cut your hair yourself?" Senpai asked, while fluffing his own hair in the mirror.

"Yeah, I wanted to let it grow back fresh for a new start."

"Awww, yeah!" Senpai cheered, "The photographer is going to come in about... half an hour! This is so unbelievable! This is finally happening to one of us. We all look so great!"

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