Weird Quote

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"Being imperfect is being perfect."

I don't know if that actually makes sense so here's the explanation : what I meant in this quote is that as human beings we all have our own flaws and defaults. Nobody is and can be perfect and that is good just like that . Why? Because if we were all perfect , we wouldn't be able to learn anything from one or the other. Everything would be tastless because we wouldn't be able to be UNIQUE in our own way.

There's a difference between improving yourself as person and trying to reach perfection : within time you can try to become more mature, open-minded, understanding or any other quality you'd like to develop... And that's what we call GROWTH which is very good. However, trying to be "perfect" can be quite harmful because through it you'll hide your true personality behind this mask of perfection you'll be trying to build, you'll conceal and hide your tiredness, sadness and despair, which can have many consequences on your mental health.

So accept yourself just the way you are without trying to be perfect. Trying to learn from your previous mistakes in order to improve and be the best version of yourself is a possible goal that you can achieve if you truly believe in it.

Imperfections are a part of us, we can't just erase them just like that, because they make who we are.

Do you agree with what I've said ? Tell me in the comments and give me your opinon about this !! (just be polite and no hate please 😊).

I hope you liked this chapter 🤗 !!

Take care of yourselves and have a great day/night !! Byeee !! 😀

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