6-Warehouse Raid

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"Ok, we can work with this."

The captain said in a neutral tone.

"How are you this calm!?"

Sharply responded the lilac.

"As long as we get there, everything will be fine, and I know you're worried but trust me. I am a captain, and a captain leaves no crewmembers behind!"

"Ok, captain."

The girl said a bit bitter as she folded her arms.

"Now Squeak, usually I'd kick you off but I'll give ye a second chance, we can't mess up again, this is important so you and Penny will be swapping roles so whatever you do, see somethin' say somethin'. Got it?"

"Aye aye, captain!"

Squeak said as he put his hand to his head like a soldier.

"Alright, time to set off! Again."

*Ruff's side*

"Alright, I'm finally here! Belle is probably still busy with Amber at the town so at least I won't have to deal with her, but I can't say the same about Edgar and Tara though. I need to make a plan. How to get in without getting noticed. The windows! I'm so glad I always keep this screwdriver on me. But how am I goin' to get to the roof."

Ruffs stood there thinking in desperation. Then there was something he saw from the corner of his eye. He looked to the right of the warehouse. There lied a latter, it must of been left just incase they got locked out.

"How convenient!"

The dog said as he dropped the body and climbed the latter. He had made it halfway before there was a loud crack coming from the wooden latter. Hearing this the dog stopped in his tracks, but the latter continued to crack and lower slightly.


The marshal resumed climbing but faster as the cracks got more repetitive. Eventually the marshal made it to the top just as the latter broke and fell to the ground.

"I guess there's no getting back down now."

He said as he looked down. He looked back to the glass, or what was left of it, most of it was inside of the building under a jagged hole in the window. Also through the window there were boxes stacked like steps. Close to to the boxes, Tick's head lied clearly worried, and on the other side of the warehouse, Edgar and Tara were.

"I guess I didn't need the screwdriver."

Quietly, the dog climbed down and looked over to make sure he wasn't spotted, he then successfully snuck to Tick.

"(Oh my gosh your here!)"

Tick said quietly with a smile extremely happy.

"(Come on, we need to go before they notice.)"

Ruffs softly picked up Tick and slowly snuck back over to the boxes. As he was about to step though, he tripped on a pebble.


Audibly wined the dog as he lifted his head to see his right hand with a some what large piece of glass jagged into it.

"(Are you ok-)"

"Alright, I heard it this time. Now I have to do stuff."

The teen said mumbling the last part.

"I'll save the told you so for later, now we have some rodents to kill."

Tara stated with a creepy tone to her voice. Hearing this, Ruffs crawled over to some other boxes while Tick bounced over. But with their luck, Tara could see through the boxes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2022 ⏰

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