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Before this chapter starts i just want to say that further down on the chapter there is the scene where both Merle and Rick say the n-words, i'd like to inform that i am NOT a person of color and i am NOT racist so i am not gonna write the actual word nor am i gonna write the word that they used in the subtitles on the show, i have chosen to wrote "__" instead.
Since i am not a person of colour it is not my right to write or speak the word so i'm not gonna do that.
if you read this thank you, i just wanted to clear this up since i feel like it was important and relevant for me to clear that up.



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"Hey, are you alive in there?" The man in the radio asked, you could still hear the sound of the walkers outside, trying and failing to get inside, Rick moved to get over to the radio, Valentina turned her head at the sound of a thud followed by a grunt, she giggled when she realised Rick had hit his head, Rick smiled at the young girl, moving to the radio again.

"hello? Hello?" He spoke desperatly into the radio after snapping back into reality.

"There you are. You had me wondering." The voice spoke again. followed by a question.
"What about the girl, the young one she okay?"

"Yeah, yeah she's here, she's okay. Where are you? Outside? Can you see us right now?" Rick asked the man.

"Yeah, i can see you. You're surrounded by walkers. That's the bad news." The man said, when he said those were the bad news both Rick and Valentina felt a rise of hope for them getting out of there alive.

"There's good news?" Rick asked. The hope the two had died down when they were met by a simple 'no' as the answer on the other end of the radio.

"Listen, whoever you are, i don't mind telling you we're a little concerned in here." Rick informed, Valentina heard a loud thud from above so she crawled over to Rick and snuggled as close to him as she could, the man accepted her touch, knowing full well she was scared as was he himself.

"Oh man. You should see it from over here.  You'd be having a major freak-out." The man on the other end said, Valentina could hear him clearer now, since she was closer, the man sounded young.

"Got any advice for us?" Rick asked the young guy.

"Yeah, i'd say make a run for it." The young guy responded, that scared Valentina, the thought of having to go out there when there where so many.

"That's it? "Make a run for it"?" Rick asked him he had noticed how much this idea scared the young girl in his arms, but yet again he was willing to do anything right about now, he wanted to find his family, and he wanted to help the young girl find her, motsly he just wanted her to survive.

"My way's not as dumb as it sounds. You've got eyes on the outside here. There's one geek still up on the tank but the others have climbed down and joined the feeding frenzy where the horse went down. You with me so far?" The young guy said, Valentina didn't hear much else as she heard another loud thud over them and covered her ears tigly with her hands and squezzed her eyes shut tigtly. She crawled out of Ricks hold and leaned against a wall.

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