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Finally, Mikasa, Eren, and Armin are old enough to join the Cadet Corps. (Y/N) and Mikasa has been dating for months now and their bond has grown stronger than ever before. Mikasa and the others are now 15 years old while (Y/N) is 17

The young trio was now standing in a field while the Drill Instructor yelled out his name and threats

So far, he yelled at Armin and insulted him, making the female Ackerman dislike him already. Shadis, the instructor also yelled at a boy that looked like a horse named Jean, a bald kid who doesn't know how to properly salute, a boy with freckles, and ordered a girl who was eating a potato to run laps until she collapse.

A couple of hours later, Eren and some other cadets watched as Sasha 'Potato Girl' Braus ran for her life. Her reaction to not being able to eat was a whole lot different from running till the evening

The other teens found out that Mikasa, Eren, and Armin were from Shiganshina and witnessed the Fall Of Wall Maria

They were gonna question the green-eyed male about the event when the bell rang meaning they had to go to the Mess Hall for dinner

Right now, the new batch of cadets is eating dinner at the mess hall. Many cadets were surrounding Eren as he explained in detail his experience of 5 years ago

Many asked about the Colossal Titan and the Armored Titan. Things were going alright but when a random cadet asked about the mindless titans, the brunette male froze as he recalled the titan that almost ate his foster brother

The covered his mouth as if he was going to vomit at the thought. Marco Bodt, the freckled boy that wants to join the Military Police to work for the king, spoke up

Marco: Hey, let's give him some space, he might have had a bad experience with the titans. We don't want to bring back bad memories

Others agreed, not wanting to bring back bad memories of the poor kid. Until horsefa- I mean Jean Kristein spoke up and agitated Eren, sparking up a fight

They were gonna continue until the door opened revealing (Y/N) (L/N), Humanities Youngest Soldier that is in the top 5 heroes of the walls. He joined the Survey Corps at the age of 13 and quickly got up the ranks. He was there to visit and make sure everything was going smoothly

(Y/N): What... Is happening here? Why are you all so noisy?

He asked. His cold blue eyes scanned the room. Eventually, he saw Eren and Jean sit down. (Y/N) glared at the cadets

The other cadets tried to hold in their fear by putting their hands over their mouths. (Y/n) nodded and left, but before he did. He went into the girl's barracks and put a note in Mikasa's bed


It was the end of dinner, and Eren nagged Mikasa that she should cut her hair. She denied it, wanting the opinion of her boyfriend first. Eren stopped nagging her and left with Armin, without saying good night to Mikasa

The cadets went to their assigned barracks to call in for the night. Mikasa was sharing a barracks with girls named Christa Lenz, Ymir, Annie Leonhardt, Mina Carolina, and Sasha Braus

Mikasa and Sasha were sharing a bunk bed, Annie and Mina were sharing, and of course, Ymir and Christa were sharing as well.

Mikasa was quietly sitting on the top bunk while the other girls were chatting loudly. She and Annie were the only quiet ones

Annie was lying on her bed silently listening to the other's conversation. Mikasa was reading the letter (Y/N) gave her

To my love, Mikasa

The Ruler of Titans (Mikasa Ackerman x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now