Chapter Two: PJ

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He trots into my secret garden and I quickly get off of him.

"Thank you." I whisper and he gallops off, out of sight.

I walk through the dozens of colors of tulips and roses. Enjoying the smell of the thousands of flowers. I hear a horse of in the distance and my curiosity churns. I didn't know there were other horses in the forest other than Charlie. He was the garden protector. He only let good hearted people enter.

I walk towards the sound of a walking horse and come upon a beautiful black horse.

"Oh my! Your lovely!" I whisper, trying not to startle her.

"Giselle!" I hear a man yell off in the distance.

"Is that your rider?" I ask while petting the neck of the beautiful beast. Her eyes answer yes.

"Giselle, there you are!" A tall muscular man approaches us and sees me.

"Hello, who might you be?" He asks kindly.

"Uh..." I continue petting the horse as I examine his royal garment. "Are you from the palace?" I ask.

"Yes." He responds. "I see you've met my horse Giselle." He smiles. I nod.

"What's your name?" I ask him. Hoping he would ignore who I am.

"You don't know who I am?" His face fills with surprise. I shake my head no.

"Should I? I'm sorry. I'm usually busy at home so I do t get out much." I apologize. I waves it off.

"Don't worry about it. I'm..." he pauses and holds out his hand. "P.J. What's your name?" I shake his hand.

"My name is of no importance. Why is your horse in my garden?" I ask. Hoping not to scare him off but still curious how he got here.

"This is your garden?" He asks impressed.

"Kind of. I found it when I was little. No one owned this land so I claimed it. But I don't mind people visiting it. I'm just curious as to how your horse got in here." I smile.

"Oh... I'm not sure. But she knocked me off and she lead me to this garden." He says while scratching the back of his head.

"Oh Giselle. You little rascal!" I playfully scold the horse.

PJ laughs as he watches me talk to the horse. His laugh makes me smile. His laughter suddenly stops and he looks at me hopefully.

"The king is throwing a ball to find the prince a bride. Everyone is invited. I'll see you there, won't I?" He ask.

"I'll try to make it, but I can't guarantee anything." I say.

My words make him beam and he hops on his horse.

"I hope to see you there. Good bye now!" He waves and steers his horse out of the garden. Leaving me alone with my worries.

"Charlie!" I shout happily.

Charlie prances around a tree and directly towards me. Seeming to feel my joy.

"I need to go home now." I say as I get on him. "Can you believe it? I might be able to go to a royal ball!" I whisper to him with excitement.

He 'nays' and prances into a gallop and takes me home silently.

"Thank you." I whisper to him as I get off of him at the edge of the woods.

He bows his head and disappears into the forest.

I dance home while humming a waltz. Sneaking though the house, up the stairs and to my room. I imagine dancing with the prince and practice the moves father had taught me before he died. Images of what the prince would look like spun through my head. Then I imagine dancing across the floor with PJ in his lovely, royal uniform.

Questions wrack my brain as I try to sleep.

What does the prince look like? Will he choose me? Does PJ know the prince? Will I even meet the prince? Will I even be able to go? Will I dance with the prince? Will I dance with PJ? Will Kora or Coleen take the title of his bride?

But then one question hits me and I struggle to sleep after it has invaded my brain.

Who is PJ?

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