Chapter Seven: What's Done is Done

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The world is finally engulfed in darkness. Meaning I can now escape.

I slowly open the window and climb out. Afraid that someone would hear. I do my best to avoid the creaky spots on the roof. But when I do get down, Charlie is already waiting for me.

I hop into his back and he quietly walks into the dark forest. Leaving behind the house of the steps. He slips through the forest like he has several times, but this time seemed different.

I repeat the words I had told him in my head. Making sure I wasn't going to the wrong place.

Three days from now, where the red flowers bloom. Through the trees, Charlie and I will see you soon

"Wait just out side the red roses." I whisper into his ear.

The red roses were the only red flowers that bloomed in the garden. But they were often hard to find since they were hidden by a bunch of Lillie's and other colors of roses.

Charlie trots over to the roses and let's me off. We walk a few feet into the forest so that we're hidden in the trees. I take a deep breath as both me and Charlie wait as suspense and paranoia settle in. Causing me to look over my shoulder every few minutes, and Charlie seems to be doing the same.

After waiting for about an hour I lose my patients.

"Alright Charlie, I'm going home." I say. I take a step towards the flowers and away from the forest.

A branch snaps in the distance, making Charlie jump. But me? I froze. Unable to move. Scared to death of who it was.

Did Dianne or Coleen possibly follow me here? Or is it just an animal? What if it's Kora?... My thoughts swirl in my head and I continue looking around in caution.

Someone stumbles into view and Charlie takes a piece of my shirt in his mouth, pulling me out of view.

I hear a kind laugh and the Prince comes into view through the brush on his black horse.

"Dillon, you really should be careful when walking fast in an unknown place." The prince says jokingly.

Dillon let's out a chuckle.

"I suppose you're right. I was just a little anxious, I guess to meet her." Dillon chuckles again and they look around.

"Hold Giselle for me." The prince says as he gets off his horse.

"Of coarse." Dillon says as he strokes the back of the horses neck.

"Where the red flowers bloom..." The prince trails off while look around carefully. "Ah, here they are." he whispers and comes closer to me and Charlie.

"Through the trees, Charlie and I will see you soon." he mutters to himself.

Hesitantly, the prince walks a few feet into the dark woods. He doesn't bother, however, to look down where I am crouched. I quickly stand up so he doesn't step on me. But my plan quickly back fires and the prince trips over me, pushing us both onto the ground.

I shriek as he falls on top of me. Taking away my air. But once he realizes it, he lifts himself off my lungs. Leaving us in a weird position.

He stands on his hands and knees while I lay flat on my back.

"H-hello." I stutter.

"Forgive me." He says as he helps me up.

"Are you okay your highness?" Dillon asks.

"Yeah." He replies.

I open my mouth to talk but something in me makes me stop. Reminding me of who I am. And who he is. We're total opposites. I look down at my dirty dress and worn out flats. Then look at his clean, white outfit and his newly polished shoes. My heart breaks as I ne thought swarms through my head.

You are not worthy of him.

"G-good evening, your m-majesty." I stutter, trying to mask my voice. "I was just passing through." I take a step away from him and turn towards the forest.

"Charlie!" I whisper yell. Wondering where he went. He was just beside me. Was he not?

"Charlie?" The prince questions.

"H-he's my h-horse." I stutter.

"So your the mystery princess in blue." He sighs in relief and takes my hand.

"N-not rea-" he cuts me off by pulling me into the moon lit garden. His face saddens as he sees mine. My dirty face and dress.

I look down and softly close my eyes. Hoping not to meet his gaze again. I flinch when I feel his rough hand touching my face. I wince at the pain of his light touch.

"What happened?" He asks.

Memories of today fill my head. Especially of when Coleen had smacked me.

"Nothing. I must be going now. Forgive me my prince." He looks at me shocked.

"You know who I am?" He asks.

"Yes. You the prince. Prince Justin. Why wouldn't I?" I ask as if it were obvious.

"So you're not her?" He asks doubtfully.

I shake my head no. Knowing that saying no meant I was practically tossing hope in a chest and locking up. Throwing the key into the vast ocean afterwords.

I get on Charlie and we trot away. But out of ear shot I whisper:

"Thank you for everything. The kindness, the dance, the hope." I whisper as a tear streams down my cheek. "It was nice while it lasted."

Weakling! I yell at myself.

Without letting me look back, Charlie jolts into a sprint.

He slows to a prance as we near my house. I slowly slide off of him.

"Thank you. For everything." I whisper and give him a hug around the neck. He brushes his head against mine, giving me an animal hug.

I pull away while he does the same. Then I walk into my house. Not caring who heard, I run up to my room. Hating myself for turning down the prince. The Prince! How could I be so stupid?

Forget it. What's done is done.

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