t.f.p. - fluff ,, crack ,, sfw

106 2 0

word count :: 973 words

april fools on the decepticons

『 megatron ,, starscream ,, soundwave ,, shockwave ,, steve ,,
gender neutral human reader    』

— fluff ,, sfw ,, crack

— is april 1st soooo


megatron ::
• megatron is also very easy to prank ,, bros on space crack ,, so he doesnt pay attention to any of his surroundings unless its starscream
• so ,, you mixed around his datapads ,, leaving him confused but he wasnt phased by it
• next ,, you had done what you did with shockwave ,, replacing energon with blue gatorade ,, which he had gotten really pissed about
• then ,, and finally then ,, did you lay the final blow
• you made his helmet pink ,, with a lot of paint
• megatron was furious ,, ready to abliterate whoever did such a crime against him
• it was funny ,, watching him interrogate every bot on the ship ,, until he grew suspicious of your snickering
• which is how you were caught
• at least the paint wasn't permanent

starscream ::
• pranking starscream would be as easy as taking candy from a baby ,, it was almost laughable how easy it was
• with the help of soundwave and knockout here and there ,, you were able to pull a few successful pranks on the seeker
• some of them being basic ,, such as being able to pull off covering him in ice cold water when he walked through an entrance
• which he gave a loud shriek too ,, limbs shivering from the sudden temperature drop
• the next consisting of ignoring the second in command ,, which had irritated him to no extent but with how long it went on for ,, it did make him question everything and himself ,, that if this were a dream
• then the next being that every time he walked in a room ,, "hips dont lie" would play or "barbie girl" would ,, which had also irritated him
• by the end of the day ,, the seeker was cold ,, humiliated ,, and very tired and irritated ,, he thought that this was just a very long dream ,, and hoped it was

soundwave ::
• pranking soundwave would be very hard ,, of course ,, since he was always keeping an eye on everything
• so you had to up your game with pranking the mech ,, having to delve deeper and give him more of a scare than give him a silly little prank
• thankfully you did get lazerbeak's help with pulling off this prank ,, so all you had to do was dress up and test your acting skills
• fake blood splattered onto clothing ,, makeup masking your face in a fake injury as you gave a thumbs up to lazerbeak ,, signaling you were ready
• the minicon was quick to take action ,, dropping you off at the 'crime scene' which was in a very secluded and abandoned town
• where in the middle of the road you would lay ,, fake blood pooling from underneath you as you waited for any sign that the prank on lazerbeak's end had worked
• and it had ,, as you soon saw the portal for the ground bridge open up and the slender mech would step out
• it would take a long time of knowing soundwave to know he was shocked at the sight before him ,, his servos opening and his legs taking him close to where you lay
• fake blood had dripped from your mouth ,, eyes lazily looking up to his visor only to see your reflection ,, and how realistic your injury looked
• " soundwave ?" your voice was barely above a whisper as your hand reached out to his visor ,, a digit coming down to your body limp in the road to poke at you
• " come closer " you had rasped out ,, coughing in the process as you were pleased with his compliance ,, moving closer to your form
• " soundwave " you coughed ,, his digits shaking in worry as he kneeled down next to you ,, lazerbeak in the background amazed at how well the prank was working
• " don't ever rickroll me again you slender man "
• to say the least ,, soundwave was pissed you did this but he didnt rick roll you again at least

shockwave ::
• it was tricky ,, trying to prank shockwave ,, for he was always in his lab and never went anywhere else
• you had thought of something though ,, he never paid any attention to when he drank or received energon
• which left you with a thought ,, a very expensive one at that
• you had convinced soundwave to get you an empty energon cube ,, and proceeded to fill it with blue gatorade
• you had asked a vehicon to bring the 'energon' to shockwave since he hadn't refueled for the day
• the vehicon did deliver the 'energon' ,, and you had waited outside shockwave's lab
• a while later ,, after playing some minecraft and panicking because you forgot where you left your dog at ,, you heard what seemed to be a bunch of coughing
• and a bunch of mumbled cybertronian from the purple mech ,, who had gone to knockout the day after since he hadn't felt well from drinking the blue gatorade
• shockwave still doesn't know how he consumed the human drink ,, but he knew it did not taste too well

steve ::
• it was easy to prank the vehicon ,, he may be very busy but that didnt mean there wasnt time to pull a quick prank
• you did receive a bunch of stickers not that long ago ,, and deciding to put them to good use ,, you would stick one of the stickers on steve's pede whenever you were around him
• he wouldn't notice ,, to busy caught up in his work for the day to really pay attention
• it wasn't until someone else had pointed it out ,, that steve's pede was covered in many different stickers ,, many different colors
• the vehicon was confused ,, as to why he had so many stickers on him and how they were there
• he didnt recall having stickers ,, so for the rest of the day ,, he was left peeling the stickers off from his pede

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