Chapter 8

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A Friendship Beyond Time

Kensington Palace, London

At least twice a week, the Queen Dowager of Württemberg always visits her younger siblings, to try and reconnect with them. Comparing the situation to when she came back, they have opened a bit more to her. Needless to say, they expected the same from her, something they have not received yet. Charlotte allowed them to play with Anton and Amalia, for as long as they wanted, and she has told them stories of Wilhelm, Katharina and Paul; but she always changed the subject or avoided the question altogether, when asked about her former marriage.

"It's been months since you've arrived, Sister. Can't we just talk about this once?" Elizabeth asked.

"You were ridiculously young, Sister," Augusta argued, once again, after the Queen Dowager tried to change the subject. "Why did you agree to marry such an old man?"

"I have nothing to say on the matter," Charlotte responded calmly.

"Oh, yes," Mary insisted, with anger in her tone. "Yes, you do."

"Is it really so hard for you to tell the truth?" Augustus questioned.

"It is complicated," she stated calmly. "Neither of you know the whole truth, and there is no need for you to know the whole truth."

"Dear Lord," Mary lightly scoffed. "You have changed... For the worst, apparently."

"I entirely disagree, Sister," Charlotte looked at her with a small glare. "I have simply matured over the years."

"I'll accept that," Sophia commented. "I must remark your patience over...everything and everyone."

"Patience? Why? If you are not familiar with the term," Augustus teased her, and she elbowed his side, making him groan in pain.

"It never mattered how young we were, Charlotte, we used to share everything," Elizabeth sat next to her. "Do you not remember?"

"You would tell us about your day every night before sleep," Sophia softly smiled at the memory. "As if it was a fairytale."

"Yes, of course I remember," she sighed. "I just... It is all in the past."

"Come on, Sister," Adolphus insisted. "How bad could it all be?"

"Very well," the Queen Dowager lightly nodded, looking at all her siblings. "If you really like to know... I will tell you the whole truth."

"Go on," Sophia spoke after a moment of silence.

It was an understatement to Charlotte to say that, the beginning of her marriage was dreadful. She would silently cry on Mathilde's shoulder and be comforted by her and Albert. Not only because she missed her life in London, and everyone in it... But because of him... Because of the man she foolishly fell in love with, even when she knew very well something as beautiful as love was irrelevant for people like her. And to this day, it still is.

"You all know I married Friedrich when I was only fifteen. I was ridiculously young, I agree. But as much as I did not want to marry him... I knew it was my duty as the daughter of a King," she started explaining. "A marriage creates an alliance. The more allies England has, the better. It was all for a political matter, which I...obligatorily had to understand and accept."

"You married for politics, we all know that," Sophia stated. "But what was that like?"

"Was it...loveless?" Augusta carefully questioned.

"No... Well, not entirely," their eldest sister spoke quietly, with sincerity. "It first."

"That sounds miserable," Augustus commented.

The Queen Dowager of Württemberg | A. BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now