Chapter Ten

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It's the day before the concert. After two weeks of Lily asking me the same question of how long until the concert, I went to buy a calendar, so she could cross every day, and she could see how many days there are left. Months later, there is just only one open place left to cross. I must admit I'm also really excited about the concert, even after all these months I haven't got tired of the songs.

Harry, the guy from the airport, popped a few times in my mind over the last months. I don't know why that is, there's just something about him that makes me remember him. For example, when Lily was talking about a princess movie three days ago, I remembered the way Harry started a conversation with Lily and how they talked about princesses. Most guys would just act like she wasn't even there at all, and he just made a whole conversation with her.

Another time, Lily and I were making silly faces at each other and I remembered how Harry made Lily giggle that way at the airport.

It's not just me who remembers him. The first few weeks, Lily would talk about Harry constantly, airport Harry. She saw a trailer about the new princess movie, I think it was Vaiana, she immediately said "oh, I wanna see. Hawwy likes pwincesses. Me and Hawwy can see movie, daddy!" It broke my heart to tell her that she couldn't. Her face fell and tears appeared in her eyes. The only thing I could do was cuddle her and sing 'sweet creature'. That's how she fell asleep that night, in my arms, tear tracks on her face and me singing softly to her.

In the months after that, she mentioned him less and less. I think it's because she understood we're never gonna see that man again.


"Daddy, daddy! Wake up!" I groan. What a way to wake up. Lily jumping on my bed and shouting in my ear. I roll over on to my back, I take Lily in my arms and begin to tickle her. When she's a complete giggling mess, I stop with my assault.

"Well, good morning princess! You're up early." Normally I'm awake before her, it's really rare that she's up before me, but it doesn't surprise me considering what day it is. "Mornin Daddy! Its Hazzy day!" She exclaims with a wide smile. "That's right, today we're going to see Harry, but that's only in the evening, love."

I look at my alarm clock and see it's 5:30 in the morning. I look back at her and see a pout on her face. "Do you know what we can do, so the time goes faster, sweetheart?" She shakes her head.

"We can colour, or we can go play football after breakfast. But first we're gonna sleep some more, love, it's way too early. We don't want to be sleepy at the concert, do we?"

"No, daddy" I lay myself down on my bed and bring Lily along with me, so she's laying on my chest. I go with my hand through her hair. It doesn't take long for her to fall back asleep, two minutes later, and I follow along.

A few hours later I wake up. Lily is still asleep on my chest and I see that it's nine o'clock. I carefully move Lily from her position without waking her up, hopefully she stays a sleep for a little while.

I make my way to the kitchen and put the kettle on the stove for tea. After I finished my tea, I began making breakfast. Just when I was about to finish, I hear little feet coming closer.

There she stood, still half asleep and rubbing her eyes with her tiny fist. "Good morning, are you sleepy?" She nods her head and I pick her up and set her in a chair. After breakfast and changing clothes, she's finally fully awake.

"So, what do you wanna do, love?"  She looks up at me while thinking about her answer. "Football daddy" I look outside and see that the sun is shining. "That's a good idea, love, why don't you take the ball?" She nods and sprints out of the room.

I fill her light blue water bottle up and grab a normal water bottle for me. When I'm done, I see lily trying to put on her little adidas shoes. I go and help her. "Ready?"

She nods her head and goes to grab the football that's laying next to her on the ground. "Wait sweetheart, I will grab the ball, so you can hold my hand okay."

"Okay, daddy" and with her little hand in mine we go to the park.


At the park

"Lily Tomlinson has the ball, she dribbles past everyone. She shoots and SCORESSSSS!!"  I yell, pretending to be a sports commentator.

I quickly run to her en pick her up. I spin a few circles with her in my arms while the air around us fills with her giggles. "Woah, you did great Lily, you're a football star, sweetheart."

"Like daddy" she exclaims while she claps her hands. "I love you lily" I kiss her cheek and set her on the ground.

After an hour of football Lily went to play on the playground.

I'm sitting on a bench watching her, it's one of my favourite things to do. I look around and see a young family on a picknick blanket. Their child couldn't be older than four. I smile when I see the couple looking at each other with loving smiles on their faces before they kiss. Sometimes I wish I had something like that. I sigh and look back at my daughter. Thank god I have her in my life.

Not long after, Lily comes up to me. "Daddy, 'm tired" The word came out more like 'tiwed' she always had a bit of trouble to pronounce certain words or letters, especially when she's tired. "Okay, love, let's go home." I pick her up and make my way back home. "When we get home, you have to eat something before you have a nap, okay." I feel her nod against my shoulder.


"Lily, it's time to wake up, love." I gently rub her back. She shakes her head and mumbles something. "Don't you wanna see Harry Styles?" That has her sitting up immediately. "I'm up, I'm up." She jumps off the bed. "I'm ready, daddy."

"Don't you wanna change your clothes, sweetheart?" I laugh, she's still wearing pyjamas. She blushes and nods her head. "What do you wanna wear?" She points at me. "Same as daddy." I smile, every time she says something like that my heart burst. She wants to be just like her daddy, it makes me think that I must be doing something good, that she looks up to me.

I go to her closet and grab a yellow sweater and black pants. I help her put the clothes and her shoes on.

"Okay now we're ready." I grab the bag that I made earlier when she was having her nap. I put ear deffenders, drinks and dinner in there. I wanted to be there a bit before the doors opened so that we wouldn't be all the way to the back and Lily could hopefully see Harry from a closer distance, although I kinda fear that that's gonna be the case. We can eat dinner while we're waiting in line.


Before we go out the car, I turn around and face Lily. "We're here, love. Listen good, okay. You have to stay with me, at all times. You always have to hold my hand, okay. There are lots of people, and I don't want to lose you." She looks at me with wide eyes.

"Don't lose daddy." She croaks out. My eyes widen when I see her lips trembling and the fear in her eyes. I feel terrible, I didn't want to make her upset. "Oh, sweetheart, you won't lose me, okay. Daddy won't let you go, I'm here."

She relaxes a bit, but I still see the fear in her eyes. We still have a lot of time left, so I go sit beside her in the backseat. "Do you wanna listen to one more song before we head out?" She nods.

"Which song would you like?" I ask her while I go with one hand through her hair.

"Sweet cweatuwe?" She says, which came out more as a question than an answer. Just as I guessed.

"Of course, love" I press play and the sound of the song fills the car. When the song comes to an end, I look into her eyes and see that she's ready to go out.

Songs destined for us (l.s)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя