Chapter Nine

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Lily's birthday party is in full swing. It's a bit loud with all the playing kids and different conversations from the adults, but it's nice to see everyone having fun.

Lily was a bit shy at first with the crowd of family members who she doesn't often see or speak much with on the phone, like my nephews and nieces. But now two hours in the party she is her full excited self. On this exact moment, she is laughing her ass of with uncle Stan, a friend of mine who I've known all my life. Stan always makes time, not only for me, but also for Lily. He puts an effort in video calls, he also has come to visit us a few times over the past years. I'm grateful that he stood by me through the hard times, even though we live so far away. He's the only friend from my hometown who accepted my choices and didn't block me out of his life.

I was just looking at them and saw Lily coming to me, "Daddy, put Hawwy on please. No real party without Hazzy songs." I laughed and shake my head.

"You're right. How could I forget. And it's Hazzy now, huh?" She giggles. "Yep, I like Hazzy better." She said popping the p.

"Oh, should I say Hazzy too then?" She shakes her head with a serious face. "Nope, only me."

"Alright alright, I'm going to put his music on then." I put his album on and Lily gives me a hug and shouts "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, love."


I was talking to my mum when I felt someone pulling at my sleeve. I look down and see that it's my daughter.

"Daddy, it's Kiwi! Come dance!" I listen to the song that is playing, and it is indeed 'Kiwi'. Lily and I always dance together when that song is playing. I look around and see all those people. I'm a bit hesitant, but it's just family, so I shrug it off and begin to dance with her.

Soon after, the other kids join us. The rest of the people has formed a sort of circle around us and are clapping and laughing.

I jump and dance around like a crazy person, so when the song ends, I'm absolutely exhausted.

"What is it, brother? Getting old huh." Lottie says while laughing. "Oi, let's talk when you have a kid." I yell at her with a smile.

After a few more songs, everyone helped set the table, and sat down to eat. The food was delicious, what didn't surprise me at all, mum is a great cook.

We just gave all the presents to Lily. She loved every single thing. It didn't matter what she received, she was always thankful and happy. The little twins made her drawings. From my other sisters, she got little vans just like me. From my mum and Dan, she got a beautiful princess dress. From the rest she got money or stuff like colour books. I gave her a new football to play with in the park.

The best present had yet to come though. Or, I think she's going to like it the most. There's always a chance that she doesn't like it that much, if that's the case I'll even feel more guilty of the money my family gave me, so I could afford the tickets.

When everyone was busy listening to Lily talk about her presents, I went to the kitchen and grabbed the cake my mum made. It was beautiful, it was in the same theme as the decorations around the house. On top of the cake, she had somehow made a girl with a princess dress and football shoes on her feet. I didn't even know she could decorate a cake, let alone such a difficult design.

I quickly light up the 4 candles and made my way to the dining room. When I entered, everyone began to sing 'happy birthday'.

Lily gasps loudly when she sees the cake. "Woa daddy its so cool." I chuckle, "you have to thank grandma for that, love, she made it." She turns to Jay and shouts a quick thank you.

"Do you want me to help blow the candles out, love?" I ask her. Lily looked at me and rolled her eyes. "I'm big now, daddy, I can do it." She sassily replies.

I chuckle and raise an eyebrow. "Alright, show us then." She takes a deep breath and blows all the candles out. Everyone claps in their hands for her and I start cutting the cake.

Everyone was eating now, so I quickly went to grab the envelope with the concert tickets in. I cleared my throat and all eyes were on me again. "Lily, there is still one last present." She looks at me with exciting eyes, "This present is from your grandma, grandpa, your aunts, Ernie and I." I give her the envelope. When she opened it, she looks confused at the papers in her hand.

"What is it, daddy?" She asks. "These are tickets for a concert. Do you know what a concert is, sweetheart?" She shakes her head.

"It's a show where a singer sings their songs for a room full of people."

"Who is gonna sing?"

"Harry styles" she gasps and looks at me with wide eyes.

"We're gonna see Hazzy?"

"Yes, love." Then she jumps up and squeals. She runs up to me and hugs me tight."Are you happy?" I feel her nod against me.

After a minute, she looks up at me with teary eyes. Immediately I'm worried. "Hey, why are you crying?"

"Just weally happy, daddy." I let out a sigh of relief and hugged her a bit tighter.


All the family members and friends have left and my sisters and mum are helping me clean up. I see Lily sitting in the couch, yawning and barely keeping her eyes open.

"Come on, love, time for bed." I pick her up and carry her upstairs. I change her in her pyjamas and tuck her in her bed.

"Did you have fun today, love?" Her eyes light up when I ask her."It was the bestest daddy! So much fun!" She widens her arms to indicate how much. I chuckle at the action. "And we gonna see Hazzy. And hear Hazzy sing. And we gonna dance. I can't wait, daddy!"

"I'm glad you liked your birthday and your gift, sweetheart. I also can't wait to see Harry Styles. It's gonna be a proper Lily and daddy day. We're going to have lots of fun."

"So much fun daddy, thank you! You awe the best daddy!" Hearing those words come from my daughter means everything to me. My eyes begin to water and I have to try my best to keep the tears at bay.

"Everything for you, princess. Now sleep tight, I love you."

"Love you too, daddy." I give her a kiss on the forehead and leave the room.

When I come downstairs, everyone except my mum is gone. "Thank you so much for today, mum."  I give her a tight hug. She has done so much for me not just today but all my life. I love her to death.

"It's nothing, I'm happy to help you guys and you both deserve it."

"Lily loved it. She was still talking about Harry Styles' concert when I put her to bed." I smiled at the thought. I'm so glad she loves the tickets. "Her reaction was priceless. I knew she would like it, Harry is all she talked about since the day she's been here."

"Believe me when I say it's all she talked about since we heard his first song on the radio weeks ago. Thank you again for helping me pay for it." She smiled at me.

"You're welcome, now stop thanking me and put the kettle on, love."

We sat there for another hour talking to each other with a cup of tea, and it was exactly like old times. I missed our chats.

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