Chapter Six

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"Excuse me, good morning/afternoon. People from the flight to Heathrow, I have some information about the delay." Everyone stood up and gathered around the woman who just walked to our gate. I also stand up with Lily still in my arms, I go to the woman in the airport uniform and listen to what she has to say. Normally we should've already boarded the plane 15 minutes ago. "There is something wrong with the plane, so we can't fly in it." She tells us. Around me people begin to ask questions and begin to get frustrated.

"Fortunately there is another plane we can use, but it just landed, so we have to refuel it. While we're doing that all the luggage has to be switched to the new plane and the only way of doing that is by hand. It speaks for itself that this takes time." A man from the left speaks up then. "Do you know how long this will take?"

The woman turn towards him. "We can't say for sure, but it's going to take a while, it probably will take an hour. I will come back to you if I have more information."

Some people ask more questions and the rest listens to the woman who answers them all. I on the other hand am not listening any more when I hear giggles. I look in my arms and yeah it's Lily all shy but giggling. She has her head against my chest like she wants to hide, but she's shyly looking next to me. I turn my head to the right and at that moment I saw a gorgeous man pulling silly faces to Lily.

The moment the man sees me looking he stops and looks at his feet with red cheeks. After a second he looks back up at me, the embarrassment clear on his face. I can't help the small smile on my face.

"H-hi, um, I'm sorry" the guy says while he ran a hand through his hair. "Nothing to be sorry for, you made my daughter smile, I should be thanking you." The guy gives me one of the brightest smiles I've seen. I couldn't help but smile wide back.

"Just couldn't help it really, she's adorable." That made me laugh. "That she is, don't be fouled though she can be pretty sassy." I tell him, while looking at Lily who has hid her head in my neck. "I'm Louis by the way" I extend my hand, and he shakes it. "I'm Harry" he says with his green eyes. They are beautiful, but I can't help, but I think I've seen them before. I frown at that thought. I don't even know the guy.

I see his face falter a bit and his look shifts towards Lily. She's still shy in my arms.

"Say Hi to Harry sweetheart." I whisper in her ear. She looks up to me and then towards Harry. With a shy smile she says softly to him "Hi, I'm Lily."

Harry smiles at her "Hi Lily, nice to meet you. I'm Harry." Her head whips up at that. And she looks at Harry with big wide eyes. "Hawwy?" The man nods. Then she looks back at me. I know what she's thinking, that Harry is Harry styles. It isn't true though otherwise the guy would be in a secret room or the VIP room waiting for is flight not here with normal people, like us.

"There are a lot of Harrys in the world sweetheart. Harry Styles is probably somewhere on a radio or TV show at this moment." I see that her eyes begin to water, and she wraps her arms around my neck and hid her face there. I rub her back "I'm sorry darling, you know what I'll make sure we will see his show one time, huh? What do you think about that?" She looks me in the eyes.

"Weally?" I nod my head and kiss her forehead "Anything for you, love."

I turn back to Harry and give him an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, she loves Harry Styles' songs. The album is all she listens since it came out."

"No worries, I heard some of his songs, he's not bad." He gave me a small smile, but I saw him a little frowning. I shrugged it off.

We both sit down and talk to each other. The conversation floats easily and there is not a single silent moment. We talked about family, about why we're going to England what we like to do in our free time,... I haven't smiled like this in a long time.

Harry did even have a whole conversation with Lily about princesses. Lily was still shy, but normally she wouldn't even say two words to a stranger. Harry did really his best to involve her in the conversation so that she didn't feel left out.

I caught myself at looking fondly at the two of them. But I quickly schooled my features.

It comes to an end when the woman from earlier comes back and tells us we have to board. I was disappointed, I didn't want it to end.

It wasn't until I was a few hours on the plane that I remembered where I've seen those beautiful emerald green eyes before.

-Harry POV-

I'm currently in the flight to England and I just realized something.

Louis, the father of Lily, is the gorgeous man with the ocean blue eyes. The one I saw in that one bookstore weeks ago. How did I not see it earlier. He's not just gorgeous though, we actually talked for over an hour, and he's funny as well.

Earlier when the woman was explaining why the flight was delayed, I was only half listening to her. It happens a lot, I'm used to it. So I was looking around and to my surprise I stood next to the dad and child.

The man had the little girl in her arms while listening to the woman. The little girl was looking at me and when she saw me looking back she hid further in her fathers' chest.

I smiled at her hoping she wouldn't be scared. She smiled shyly back at me, she's adorable.

I began to make silly faces at her and a soft giggle escaped her mouth. That cute little giggle made me smile so bright. I made even sillier faces and soon enough she was constantly giggling.

It wasn't until a few seconds later I saw the dad looking at me. I quickly stopped and looked down. My cheeks heating up. I was thinking that I had to look up otherwise it would be even weirder. Of course, I had to stutter when I talked to him, that made me blush even harder.

Fortunately the guy thought it was okay. When it told him my name I saw him frowning and thinking. I was terrified that he would recognize me. The chance of him recognizing me was pretty big because he sang 'sweet creature' to his daughter. I didn't want him to think I was some arrogant, rich famous guy. I don't know why, but I wanted him to like me and not as famous Harry Styles, but just Harry.

But the fear was quickly over when he told poor Lily that I wasn't that Harry. It broke my heart to see her almost cry. But when he said that I didn't know how to correct him.

I wanted to make the little girl happy to say I was Harry Styles, but also didn't want Louis to know. After that he was quick to change the conversation.

We talked with each other until we had to board. I was a bit disappointed at that. It was a long time that I had such a nice and normal conversation with someone. From the moment we talked until we had to separate my smile didn't leave my face.

Lily was such a sweet kid. She was shy but still talked with so much excitement about princesses to me.

I sometimes caught myself at looking find at the pair. How they interacted with each other, their bond, they are inseparable.

The whole plane ride I couldn't think about anything else but the pair. I hope I could see them again when we land.

Soon enough we land in Heathrow. Before I could look around for Louis and Lily two security guys come to me. "Mr. Styles, I'm sorry, but word got out that you're at the airport. And there is a whole mob outside. We will escort you quickly to your car."

Of course, they always know where I am. "Alright, thank you for the heads-up." We begin to walk, and before we walk through the door there are three more security guys to help. There must be more people than I thought.

Walking through the crowd is almost impossible. I just follow the guard before me blindly. I smile and wave to the fans because I still love them.

Before I know it I'm at my car, I always like to drive myself and I let somebody bring it to the airport.

My mind wandered to Louis and Lily again. A loud sigh escapes my mouth. I'm disappointed that I didn't see them after I landed. But than again, maybe it's better this way. Even if I see Louis again and if we become friends, this wouldn't be good for him or Lily. All the paparazzi and the mobs I can't let them deal with it. I can't bring them in this life even if I wanted nothing else.

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