Chapter 12 - Almost

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"Comfortable, pet?" Bellatrix's voice echoes through the room.
No answer. The woman walks closer to Hermione and kneels down staring at her face.
The girl is deep asleep, looking relaxed as an angel in Heaven.
"After all I've done to her she's still able to sleep like this?! Or she's extremely strong or she's not mentally okay." the dark witch tells to herself.
She bends toward Hermione and accosts her mouth to the girl's ear.
"Wake up, sleepy pet!" she whispers.
The brunette's eyes snap wide open.
"H-hi..." she mumbles.
"Slept well?"
"Y-yes, m-mistress."
"Great. What would you like to do now?"
"I-I don't k-know, mistress. I don't ha-have particular w-wishes, mistress."
Bellatrix beams.
"That's not good..." thinks the brunette.
"I have an idea." says the woman. "Get up."
Hermione obeys and in a second finds herself in the ravenette's arms. The typical chocolate fragrance fills her up, this time accompanied by some black cherry notes.
The contact is suddenly broken as Bellatrix throws her on the bed and locks the door.
"W-what-" stutters the girl.
"Oh, shut up! You'll enjoy this." the older witch cuts her off.

"What?! No, no! I don't want that! No please! Please! Help!" she thinks, imagining what is going to happen.

"Quite loud thoughts, pet... but I'll make you scream even louder!" says Bellatrix getting closer.
"B-Bella... p-please... m-mistress..." Hermione stammers, her heart racing, her breath out of control, her eyes weeping.
"Shut up, bitch." is the answer.
Her vision is blurry.
She shuts her eyes, hoping that would shut her fear too.
She feels cold hands under her sweater drawing patterns on her shivering skin.
After a few seconds the sweater is gone.
She feels so exposed... and that's only the beginning.
She'd like to get up and run away but her body feels like stone... too heavy to lift, impossible to move.
Bellatrix's hands slowly go down reaching her skirt.
They remove it and rest on her thighs.
"Uh, it seems you weren't lying about the scars, weren't you?"
Hermione opens her eyes and stares at the older witch with an imploring look.
"What did I teach you? If I ask you something you must answer!" Bellarrix shouts.
Before the brunette can open her mouth to respond a slap on her right thigh takes her words away. Burning pleasure immobilizes her body more that it already was.
"Answer, bitch!" the woman shouts again digging her nails in the girl's thigh.
"I-I... I w-was n-not... l-lying... m-mis-mistress..."
"Why this tone, pet? Getting excited?"
"M-may-maybe, m-mistress." Hermione answers earning a smirk from the other witch.

How did this all happen? How did she, Hermione Grenger, one of the best Hogwarts students and valiant fighter end up in Bellatrix Black's bed? Plus, almost naked!
She's actually in bra, underwear and socks... what is going to happen next?

"Daydreaming, pet?" asks Bellatrix with a wide smirk.
"You forgot something."
"Too late." and saying this she hits the girl on her breast.
"Oh my-" Hermione mutters.
"Enjoying this, pet?"
"N-no! I hate this! L-leave me al-lone, m-mistress!" the young witch efforts to utter.
Bellatrix thinks for a moment then talks, smirking: "Alright then, enjoy your loneliness." and she disappears.

Bellamione - Possible ♡Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin