Final author note ♡

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So, you've got to the end... the end of this written story, not of Bellatrix's and Hermione's story, of course!

I assume if you're reading this you already read the whole story, and I hope you liked it.
To those who did: I'm really glad!

This story has been a "journey" for me. I started writing it when I was feeling very bad, as a way to vent out, and I finished writing it feeling much, much better.

I enjoyed writing it (and that helped me), and I hope you enjoyed reading it as well.

Also thanks to those who voted and commented, I really really love getting comments, it feeds me of energy and makes me wanna write more!

I wish you a beautiful day/night!
Bye! ♡

~ Viola✩ ~

Bellamione - Possible ♡Where stories live. Discover now