Chapter 8

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*Author note*

there'll be no goal this time because im late at updating! congrats on reaching the goal.

i really like this chapter and i hope you do too!

uhm this is the second last chapter so its this one, chapter nine, the epilogue and then its finished! if i dont edit it to make it longer.

anyways, thanks guys, for reading I love you to pieces

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It was Christmas Eve; fantastic.

I was going to have a night filled with Liam... not my idea of a great time.

“You’re still coming right?” Laura asked through the phone. I sucked in a deep breath.

“Of course!” I replied, not wanting too. I didn’t want to go tonight but I couldn’t let Laura down.

“8 o’clock, you’ll be there?” Laura reminded me, I shook my head in annoyance.

“I know, calm down, get off the phone and just get ready!” I ordered and heard Laura giggle in reply.

“Sure, I’ll see you in an hour!” Laura hung up quickly; I shook my head at her once again, even though she couldn’t see me. I had everything all ready to go; the presents in their bags, wrapped up nicely and my outfit lying on the bed. I sat down and scrolled through my phone with nothing to do.

When half an hour passed I quickly got changed and applied light make up. I didn’t have to impress anyone; it was just the boys and the girls. With fifteen minutes to go I packed up my car and began to drive to Laura’s, taking the long route as I had time.

“Gabby’s here!” Megan shouted from the front as she saw me pull up, rushing over to greet me.

“Hey Megs, how are you doing?” I hugged her after I got of my car. She moved to help me with my presents.

“Great, everyone’s here now.” Megan smiled, walking to the house with me.

“Cool,” I replied with as much enthusiasm as I could muster, everyone included a certain someone.

I greeted almost everyone with hugs or kisses on the cheek or both; handing out their presents as I went.  When I was finally finished I realized there was one present that was still in my bag; Liam’s. I began to wonder where he was.

“Just put Liam’s presents in the spare room,” Louis directed, seeing my questioning expression and pointing down the corridor. I nodded and flashed him a quick smile before doing as I was told, slowly opening the door to the spare room.

“Whoa!” Liam jumped, obviously not expecting anyone to come in; I flushed red as I realized he was in the middle of getting changed. He wasn’t wearing a top.

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