Chapter 7

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*Authors note*

okay guys, this chapter is alright, i dont think its my best and I didnt really have many ideas but oh well ...

You guys reached the goal in at least 3 HOURS! wow you're so fast! haha so I'm making the goal harder :P

69 votes :P damn

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"And he still won't tell you what's wrong?" I asked Laura as I held up a funny t-shirt that could be a Christmas present.

"Nope." Laura shook her head, not looking up from the pile of toys she was sorting through.

"I'm so stuck for ideas!" I groaned, putting the t-shirt back on the rack.

"You should have done your Christmas shopping earlier." Megan piped, I rolled my eyes at her.

"How am I supposed to get presents for you guys when you're all here?" I complained, looking to lily and Alex as they joined us.

"Hey, you're the one that invited us." Alex interjected, I sighed.

"Well you know your boyfriends-" I began, Alex and Laura coughed at my mistake "-and fiancé's better than I do!" I corrected myself.

"Get Louis this duck!" Laura whipped out a toy duck and squeezed it, making it quack. I rolled my eyes.

"If I get that I’ll have to get something else too because that's not enough,"

"Fine, but he'll love it." Laura put it in my arms. I shook my head disbelieving her.

We rifled through almost everything until we were worn out and decided to get something to eat. I had managed to get all the boys their presents and I had run away for a bit to get the girls their presents too.

"You really need to remember to do your shopping earlier." Megan sighed, I glared at her playfully.

"Thanks Captain Obvious," I replied, sitting down in a booth and setting my shopping bags on the floor.

"Are you sure you have everyone?" Laura asked.

"Yeah I got Niall..." I paused, looking into the bag that held the presents "there's Louis', Zayn's and Harry's" I closed the bag and looked up.

"What about Liam?" Lily questioned.

"What about him?" I replied defensively.

"We'll you're going to see him on Christmas," Megan answered "aren't you?"


"Didn't you tell her Laura?" Alex turned to her. Laura nodded.

"You're coming to mine for Christmas, remember?" Laura reminded me. I gasped. Shit, I was wasn't I?

"So you have to get him something, do you have anything or do you have to buy it?" Lily continued.

"I had something..." I told them quietly.

"What happened to it?" Megan questioned.

"I've still got it..."

"Then give it to him!" Alex demanded, I shook my head roughly.

"I got it when we were together, I don't think it'll be very... Suitable..." I concluded, lacing my fingers together.

"Suitable or not, give it to him, I know he's got you something." Alex winked.

"Oh god." I blushed, wait, why am I blushing?

"Aw she's blushing." Megan cooed. I waved her away.

"It's going to be so awkward!" I squeaked, sinking lower in the cushiony booth.

"It is always going to be awkward, you just have to try and make it slightly less awkward." Alex advised, my stomach flipped, I wasn’t ready to see him face to face.


I sighed and fell on my couch, dropping the shopping bags on the floor. Shopping was tiring.

I didn’t want to give Liam my present; it really wasn’t suitable at all right now. It was a photo album, with us two; I don’t know how much pain it’ll bring me or him. Maybe I could just drop it off, stay an hour or so and leave. That way I won’t have to talk to him.

I sighed again; he was probably thinking the exact same thing.

My mind turned to what he was getting me, what the hell could he possible buy for me? A letter opener? From all of his letters I’ll probably need it.

My phone buzzed unexpectedly in my pocket and I jumped, fishing it out of my jacket quickly.

From; Unknown

Heyy, its jake, remember me? Im in London, go out for coffee? Xx

I sighed; it was Jake, from Liam’s first tour, their guitarist. He’d been replaced because Liam and he had a row which ended up with both of them bleeding. I saved his number in my phone so I could reply.

To; Jake

I remember you but no thanks.

It took a few minutes for his reply but it came through soon.

From; Jake

y not baby? Your not with the little faggot anymore, i saw a magazine that said so. ;) x

I shook my head at his stupidity and typed a reply, annoyed.

To; Jake

First off; don’t call me baby. Secondly; it’s you’re* not your. Thirdly: don’t call him that, he’s twice the man you are and fourthly, no means no, piss off.

Now he was beginning to piss me off, he had me defending Liam.

From; Jake

Aw baby dont be like that, he cant be twice the man i am if he cheated on u. Or did u forget that? Its ok baby i can make you feel better ;)

This dude didn’t seem to quit.

To; Jake

Right, listen up you little prick; I didn’t forget he did that but that doesn’t mean I’m going to go out with you, the main reason I won’t is the fact that you’re a slobbering moron that can’t keep his dick in his pants. I’m perfectly fine by myself and I don’t need you to make me feel better so how about you leave me alone before I call the cops for harassment.

I swear to god if he texts me again I may have to punch something. I didn’t need this right now and I didn’t want to talk to him.

Thankfully, after ten minutes and no reply I was pretty sure I was safe. He seemed to get the idea through his thick skull I didn’t want him, at all.

The only person I wanted was Liam, and unfortunately, that was not going to happen anytime soon.

*Authors note*

69 votes




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