Chapter 4

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*Authors note*

hey guys, quick thing before you read, this won't focus as much on the other couples as MBFLP did a little bit. like we'll see the couples but it wont focus on them as this will be short - really short - haha so don't be upset that we dont focus on the other couple :)

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"Gabby?" Laura called, walking through the house; I lazily lifted my head up off the couch.

"What?" I answered grouchily, my back aching terribly. I couldn't sleep on the bed it reminded me of him.

"Have you slept at all these past three nights?!" Laura exclaimed, rushing over to give me a hug.

"No." I shook my head, sitting up and patting the space next to me. "I miss him already." I sighed as she sat down.

"I know," Laura nodded, I let out a bitter laugh.

"He doesn't deserve it though! Why am I feeling like this? He's a worthless jerk and I know it so why am I so upset about it?" I questioned, Laura placed a gentle arm around my shoulders and squeezed tightly.

"It's simple really, you love him Gabby, you have for ages, it's not going to change because he did something stupid." She explained and I groaned.

"But I want it to go away! I hate him! I hate what he's done to me and how he's making me feel!"

"You don't mean that and you know it." Laura told me. 

"I know." I sighed, leaning into her slightly.

"He's been staying at my house you know." She informed me, I almost choked.

"How could you let him?" I spluttered. She shook her head.

"To be honest with you, I have nothing against him. To you he's a 'lying, cheating bastard'," she paused, quoting me from the phone call I had made earlier, "but he's still Lou's friend and I really didn't have much of a choice, he's got nowhere to go and Louis won't let him just stay at a hotel, you know how he is, he's adamant that you two will get back together soon." She explained and I nodded.

"Well you should tell your fiancé that we're not." I replied, crossing her arms, it was Laura's turn to splutter.

"Fiancé?! He's not my-" she tried to explain. I waved her off

"Oh please Laura, you can't hide it from me, I'm your best friend, I notice if you've got a bloody big diamond on your left finger." I nodded toward the ring on her finger, glittering in the light. It hasn't been there 4 days ago which was the last time I saw her.

"I was going to surprise you later." She grinned, fingering the ring with her other hand.

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