Chapter 5

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*Authors note*



 Honestly, this story is really bad like maybe i shouldnt have done the sequel IM SORRY

I'm struggling to make this story ten (really short) chapters long and I don't know, I had a good idea but now its just... bleh

So do you guys mind if this story is short compared to MBFLP? I'm trying, I really am !

When I finish this, The Butterfly Effect and the new Louis/Zayn (i don't know which one yet!) I'll come back and edit everything i promise.

Ok, you don't want my apologies I'll let you read (if you want god I'm so sorry its SO short)

Alright okay, I'll talk to you guys later wow, see ya



§ Gabby’s POV §

I was sitting on bed just thinking about everything; well really just everything that had happened since the hospital.

I had rethought almost everything in my life, including what I wanted to do with it and I decided I didn’t want to be a fashion designer; it was stupid and it gave no real contribution to the world. I wanted to help people; I wanted to make a difference to them. That’s why I gave up fashion and I now worked in a child care centre for children who had something bad happen to them in life. Whether it was the death of a loved one to the divorce of their parents, this child care centre would be a place for them to get support and most importantly, a judgement free place for those troubled kids to speak their minds.

I absolutely loved it there. The kids were lovely.

They always appreciated everything in life; they’d be over the moon if someone just gave them a new pack or pencils randomly.

Of course they all loved Liam too; and just thinking about that shattered my heart.

~ Flash back ~

“Miss Murray!” the children screamed, running forward and smothering me in hugs, I had been gone for a week for a holiday with Liam. I smiled at them.

“Hi guys!” I beamed.

“I missed you!” a boy named Daniel told me, burying his head in my side. I ruffled his hair.

“I missed you too, but guess who I brought?” I stepped aside to reveal Liam behind me, the kids immediately ran to him.

“Mr Payne!” the 20 kids shouted in unison, Liam chuckled deeply.

“C’mon, give him some space to breathe.” I giggled as they smothered him.

“Thanks.” Liam grinned as the children finally left him and went back to whatever they were doing before we came.

“No problem.” I smiled, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his lips.

“Miss! Miss!” Abigail, a brunette girl called, I walked over to her and bent down.

“What’s up?” I asked as she proudly held up a picture of a butterfly she drew.

“Wow! That’s great, well done!” I congratulated earning an amazing smile.

“Do you like it?” she questioned shyly.

“I love it! How are you feeling Abigail?” I asked.

“Good, I’m going over daddy’s house for the weekend.” She grinned. I smiled. Her parents were going through a rough divorce and furious custody battle. I was worried how Abigail would take it but she seems to be taking it quite well.

“Great darling, have fun colouring.” I patted her shoulder and stood up to see some other kids. I felt hands slip around my waist.

“Having fun?” Liam whispered in my ear, I nodded.

“I am. What are you doing?” I turned around in his arms.

“I’m hugging my girlfriend.” He answered smartly.

“Sometimes you’re too smart for your own good.” I rolled my eyes.

“You love it.” he winked, putting his hand on my lower back and pulling me closer.

“A little bit.” I tilted my head.

“You’re a liar.” He smiled. I nodded lightly.

“But you love me.”

“True.” Grinning, he leant forward and pressed a kiss on my nose.  “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

~ End of Flashback ~

Everything that had come out of his mouth was a lie. Why else would he not explain to me why he cheated on me with his letter? I mean, come on, I'm not that stupid.

I rolled over and buried my face into the pillow. It didn't smell like him anymore, he had been gone that long for his tour.

"Why is everything so difficult?" I mumbled into the pillow. Sighing as I sat up and smelt the shirt I was wearing. After a long day at work I hadn't been bothered to get into real clothes, instead I picked up one of Liam’s shirts and put it on. It was much more comfortable, even though it hurt to think about him and wear his clothes.

I didn't throw all of his belongings out the door. I kept some things, including the shirt I was wearing.

I watched in interest as the sun settled below the horizon, taking its light with it.

Liam and I had always thought this was the most beautiful time of the day, we'd go outside or stay by the window to watch the sunset.

I'd entwine our fingers together and lean back against his stomach, resting my head in the crook of his neck. He'd always play with my hair and take long, deep breaths. We were silent until the sun could not be seen, then he'd tell me about his day, what happened that was interesting or funny and we'd laugh. The conversation would turn and we tell each other over and over again about our love for each other. He'd sometimes tell me about what he did when I was in my coma. He was yet to tell me all of it but it mainly was about what he was thinking; what he said when he was talking to me.

I had giggled every time and teased him about how cheesy he was. Liam would sigh and say that if I had heard any of it at the time he probably wouldn't have said half of those things because he wouldn't have had the confidence.

"But now I do." He would smile, pushing my hair and tucking it behind my ear as I watched the movement. He pulled me closer to him every time, even when I was pressed tightly against him he would try and bring me closer.

He told me that if he had lost me he wouldn't know what to do, with his life, with anything.

"I couldn't take my own life as well because when you'd meet me up there you'd punch the living daylights out of me." He had chuckled one time. I answered immediately with a cheeky grin.

"You're not wrong,"

I wished I could go back to those days; when we were perfect, when everything was perfect. But I couldn't, and that wouldn't ever change. The past is the past and I was incredibly worried for what the future would bring.

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