Chapter 13

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"Question 1" Kara said

"I know how you got in here but why did you come in here?"

"Who wouldn't if you saw a huge building in the middle of a park where there no buildings even close to it in size wouldn't you Wanta explore" I replied

"Ok you didn't think you'd get kidnapped or anything when you just walked into a big Ramdom bulid"

"Nope" I said

"Nope maybe a little if madi wasn't there but" madi replied and I smiled

"What do you mean" Kara said

"What do you mean what do I mean you have a sister I would do anything to protect her her" I said

"Aw that's really sweet I would do the same" Kara said

"So your on a Field trip" Alex asked

"Ya" madi said

"Why we're you guys so shooked to find out me, Lena and nia knew Kara" Alex asked

"Uh well ask madi" I said then looked at madi who was giving me a wtf no look

"No no it's really not my problem I think aria should answer" madi said and as I gave her a really look

"Oh uh well you see" I said starting to play with my bracelet again "madi is a really big fan of your news articles so we was just excited to meet you that's all" I said

"I'm sorry if this is personal but what's with the bracelet I keep seeing you play with it" Kara asked

"Oh it helps keep me calm when I'm stressed or nervous" I said then stopped with the bracelet

"Could you tells us so things about your self for example where you live, parents, age, something only your closest friends or family know and hobbies I'll go first" Kara said

"I live in national city, my parents names Eliza and Jeremiah I'm adopted, I'm 30 and I'm an alien and my daughter died and I like writing and reporting" Kara said

"I live in national city, my parents names Eliza and Jeremiah I'm not adopted, I'm 35, Supergirl is also my sister and When Kara were little we would fly around midvale and I like to work" Alex said

"Well I live in New Orleans, my parents names are hope and Josie I'm adopted and I'm 17, I guess I'm kind of an alien I don't know, I was kidnapped and experimented on and I like to do art and watch Netflix" I said a bit nervously

"I live in New Orleans my parents names are lexa and Clarke I'm not adopted, I'm 15, I'm a human night blood and I know 2 aliens" madi said

"Kinda alien?" Kara said a bit confused

"Ya it's a long story one of my birth mothers is an alien and I was all the same powers as her plus a bit more but I was born on earth idk it's all very confusing" I said not knowing if Kara would catch on 

"Oh ya just because your were born on earth doesn't mean your not alien what kinda of powers do you have?" Kara said

"Oh well there a lot it's overwhelming sometimes there's the hearing then there's flying, freeze breath, lazer eyes, strength, bullet proof, I'm pretty sure I can't be killed put like my mom always says there's always a loop hole. Now on to the powers I wasn't born with there's mind control, mind reading, telekinesis and energy manipulation I think that all I'm not 100% sure tho"

"Omg that's a lot it must be hard to handle" Kara said

"Ya" I replied

"If you don't mind me asking where did the other powers come from" Kara asked

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